

  • You are definitly not alone! If I can resist, all is good. But if I can't resist, I can't do just one either. Everything is like Pringles: Once you pop you just can't stop. So a big thing for me that is harmful is when I am multi tasking. Say I get a snack while I read a book - I will eat that entire bag/box of whatever.…
  • Well hello there! I turned 30 this year and I also work in business. I travel a lot, which means a lot of meals on the go. I feel your pain. Fantastic job on seeing your lifestyle changes already seeing results. Keep up the great work and just try to stay positive, even if you slip a little :)
  • I am having a hard time with this too. Today is the closest I've been and I was still 350 under. I tried to eat a larger meal than usual at lunch, but I got too full. I think the answer (for me at least) might be some more frequent healthy snacking during the day. You aren't alone :) Hang in there.
  • That's my trouble spot too. I started doing ab-concious walking. (read about it in a magazine - Family Circle, I think) Anyways, before you go for a brisk walk, put a belt around the middle of your waist. Do it so it is comfortably snug. When you walk, set a brisk pace. Pull your shoulders back and your abs up. The belt…
  • Thank you everyone for the encouragement so far. Kids are a blessing and a joy (and quite frankly, a pain in the neck at times as well). If only they could have been delivered by the stork. I hope that at the end of my journey I will feel confident in a two piece bathing suit again. However, I have another pregnancy curse…
  • I put off trying to lose weight for so long because I was (still am) afraid that I will lose my butt and boobs, which I am very happy with right now. I hope that we can manage to trim the excess away from the places we DON'T want it. Good luck!
    in Hello! Comment by Kimbreli August 2010