

  • I am a stay at home mom. I love workout DVDs and the Wii, but playing outside with children is free and fun. We play tag, frisbee, kickball, dodgeball (depending on age:wink: ), walk around and find new places to go...the park...tons of things to do to exercise with limited funds. At the park you can use the monkey bars,…
  • I watch proteins, carbs and fats...i tend to go lower carb as I notice I feel better and I stay away from processed foods like the plague. THis seems to be working for me :)
  • I like to be outside and just tan as I go...I don't really make it something to do. I live in Arizona and the weather here is pretty nice year round....not a fan of tanning beds.
  • :smile: HI I am a stay at home mom to a seven year old boy. I currently have about 15-18 lbs to lose. I exercise between 4 or 5 days a week and try to keep active besides this. I like to switch up what I do such as Jillian Michaels, P90X, Turbo Fire....pretty much where ever the mood leads that day. This is my first day on…