Mom looking for people to go thru weight loss with.

I am 33 and have about 33 more lbs. to lose. I want to find other people who is going to go after the same thing. I started dieting and exercising just 2 days ago and am looking to stick with it. I have done other diets before that did not stick but I want to get it done this time. Today I started P90x and I also started an app on my phone called Couch Potato to 5k. I hate running but want to learn to love it. I also want to do a 5k on March 17th so that is my first deadline. After that the rest of the weight I will want to lose.

Lets go guys, we can do it! :)


  • tslee8433
    tslee8433 Posts: 4 Member

    Im a mother of two children, 30 years old and have baby weight to lose. I ordered P90X but was too scared to try it because I feel like I might need to start out with a less intense workout. Before babies I was a lot skinnier than I am now and I want to be fit again! Im new on this site and Im looking for ppl that are in the same boat. With children and feel like you have no
  • emmasmum07
    emmasmum07 Posts: 43 Member
    Hey! Please add me!
    I am a Mom of 1 daughter age 5 , 30 Years Old and this is my 11th day on MFP !!
    I love it so far! Loads of support - learning - recipies!!!!!!

  • doubletnurse
    doubletnurse Posts: 108 Member
    I too am a Mom of a 2.5 year old boy and am looking for some other people that are in the same boat as me. I just started MFP 10 days ago.
  • Another busy mom here... I'll be 40 in March (yikes!!!!) and have three active kids. (two girls - 8 and 9 and a 3 y.o. boy) If I only had a smidgen of their energy, I wouldn't be in this situation! LOL

    Feel free to add me... I've been using MFP for 3 weeks but just starting getting on the forum this week.
  • oriel
    oriel Posts: 3 Member
    Add me to the group! I'm 31 and have 2 sons, 3 and 18 months. I went on some medication over the summer that caused me to pack on 25 lb in 5 months. So now I'm trying to lose that plus the 20 lb of baby weight I had left over. Right now I am watching my calories and trying to fit active stuff into our schedule - yesterday I chased the kids around at the playground, things like that will have to do until I can figure out what kind of formal workout I want to start with.
  • ferretwife
    ferretwife Posts: 2 Member
    My daughter just turned one. 12 months of coffee and cake meetings with other Mums has taken it toll! I want to try and get pregnant again in the second half of this year and am determined to loose weight before I do.

    I gained 50 lbs while pregnant but I was already 182 lbs when I became pregnant having lost 56 lbs on Lighter Life to get pregnant in the first place! Phew!

    Post-partum I lost about 20 lbs but still have at least 30 lbs to loose before I get back to my pre-baby weight and I would like to loose another 15 or so on top pf that. So my work is cut out for me!

    I spend a lot of time at home as I gave up my job last year so will be looking for lots of support in those weak moments...

    I'm also looking for other Mums for support so do add me...
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Mommas, feel free to add me! I've got a 3 year old and a almost 2 year old, work in real estate, and have a REALLY hard time getting my workouts in. I've done Jillian's 30 Day Shred (awesome! Six inches off my waist!) and am almost halfway through Ripped in 30. I'm a little scared of P90X, too!
  • aliciawakka
    aliciawakka Posts: 46 Member
    Hi guys! I am a 22year old mummy to a 2year old lil man. I have eventually 40-50lbs to lose! I started MFP early January and i lost 7lbs in the 1st 2weeks just by portion control and a little more active doing my house chores ect. I am finally begining to enjoy exercising. Feel free to add me anyone :)
  • Welcome! I sent you a friend request.
    I am also a mom trying to drop some of those pesky baby pounds. Lots of luck!
  • :smile: HI I am a stay at home mom to a seven year old boy. I currently have about 15-18 lbs to lose. I exercise between 4 or 5 days a week and try to keep active besides this. I like to switch up what I do such as Jillian Michaels, P90X, Turbo Fire....pretty much where ever the mood leads that day. This is my first day on MFP and I look forward to having others to share this journey with me. Feel free to add me!
  • Hi! I'm looking for encouragement!! I signed up awhile ago but just started tracking everything yesterday. Hopefully I can stick with this. I'm TTC and my doctor recommended getting my BMI down. So I need to lose about 20 lbs. My problem mostly is with working out. I don't have a workout partner so it is tough to dig deep and find motivation. But now my focus is on becoming pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy. So I figure I better start laying a solid foundation now.
  • Count me in!!

    Im Erin! (Hi!:) Im 30, from MN, and the mom of two boys! One who is 4.5, and one who just turned 1! I have about 30-40lbs to loose, and constantly find it difficult to find time or energy to workout! I work a FT job and by the time I get home the last thing I want to do is take my kids to the gym and put them in childcare for another hour or more.

    But, I have vowed that it is time more for me to make TIME FOR ME! So, the next 90 days are GO TIME for me!
    Id love support, encouragement from any others and would love to do the same for you!
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member

    mom of 3 running a home daycare... does that make me part time mom of 6??? :)

    I have 47 pounds more to lose.................
  • Count me in! I'm not a Mom YET!!! However, I'm losing the weight so I can have a healthy pregnancy so I can be a healthy Mom, soon :)
  • myltlisa24
    myltlisa24 Posts: 242 Member
    Count me in also, I am 38, with two girls (13 & 9), i have about 40 to lose!:noway:
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I'll be 30 in about 1 month 14 days. I have 37.5 more pounds to lose. You can add me if you wish :D I have an 8 year old and a 13 month old.
  • Hi I'm Abbey, mother of three little ones. I need to lose at least 50 lbs to be healthy. I LOVE myfitnesspal! I want to add some friends because I don't come on the computer much, mostly just on my phone and the community boards aren't on the app. I'd love to add some of you moms who need encouragement so we can keep up with each other on a day to day basis!
  • Winnetka75
    Winnetka75 Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in! I'm a working mom of 2, ages 4 and 8. Im 5'7" and I'd like to lose 40 pounds and get down to 130. Going to be a lot of work!
  • I am a 39 year old mom about to turn 40. I have a son graduating in a year and I really need to drop 60 pounds. I am looking for support and would like to support others. I have a high stress job and I sit behind a desk 8-10 hours a day. I live in the midwest with asthma so being outside this time of year is tough. I would love to loose would help my asthma so much! So if you want a friend on this site hit me up. I could really use the support. I have 3 sons and a hubby that are all fit. I just want to be able to have fun with them when they are all out playing around. God bless all of you trying to do as I am! We can do this!