twasadark Member


  • I've been on Effexor XR for years - no weight gain from that. I'm also on Fetzima which hasn't made me gain weight. I tried Wellbutrin before, Lexapro, and others like Zoloft but they just didn't work for me. It's more important that you find a med that works for you rather than picking one based on the potential to gain…
  • Depression is familiar to me as well. I'd be honored to be your friend - I'll send a request right away.
  • Dreyer's has some Splenda sweetened fruit popsicles that the box says are 25 calories each. They're good, but if I eat too many my tummy is unhappy - probably because of the artificial sweetners. Anyhow, here's a link, but it says 30 calories a piece. Not bad, though:…
  • It's not safe for me - it triggers serious depression. Same for my dad and daughter. When researching the link between aspartame and depression I came across this study done by the government. Very scary: Biol Psychiatry. 1993 Jul 1-15;34(1-2):13-7. Adverse reactions to aspartame: double-blind challenge in patients from a…