CombatVet_Armywife Member


  • As you can've found the right place. All you have to do is be....we're all here, more than willing to lend a hand or heart. I can tell you, from personal experience, the one thing that repeats in my head during hard times is; this too shall pass. Simple and may sound easy.....but so true. Keep your head up, it…
  • Agree completely with this! I had completed Power 90 years ago and now that I'm doing P90X I am SOOOO glad I did that program first! I would absolutely suggest starting isn't recommended for people to start P90X unless they're able to pass a 'fit test' first. I'm told you can find it online. If it were me,…
  • That's sad to hear, I hope they're able to find what will work and motivate them! :) W6D5 complete! -Legs & Back w/ARX- Those wall squats are a killer, but I am definitely feeling the muscles changing in my legs! Looking forward to the 60 day mark to see where I'm at. Nervous about the weigh-in tomorrow. Last weigh-in was…
  • Ha ha....just read this article too.... Live in Mississippi & I'd have to agree! We're military, so we've lived MANY MANY places....I have something to compare it to. Mississippi earned it's spot on that list!
  • Wow....1000 calories?? I know many people who do Zumba...never heard of any of them burning near that much! And their classes are at least 60 minutes long. How did you find this 1000 cal burn for Zumba? That burn for 45 minutes of Zumba sounds about right....but only way to know for sure is by using a HRM. Even the calorie…
  • I thought the vitamin you mentioned was the same one I take, but I wasn't sure, so I checked the bottle.....YEP, I take the exact same vitamin. I can't really speak of any differences as far as the active metabolism because I've been taking this vitamin for years before MFP...but I CAN tell you during a time that I missed…
  • Have you tried searching for it in the Database? I know I have already entered each workout myself using the title of each dvd. When I enter the workout (Yoga X, Kenpo X, ect.) it shows up in the database.
  • I'm 35, 5'2, typical burn for this workout is 450-520, I track each workout & cal burn and this is the range I have logged.
  • W5D6 complete!! -Kenpo X- Contemplating using weighted gloves or wrist weights with this workout. Just not getting quite the workout for my arms I'd like, especially as slow as some of the moves are.
  • I've mentioned this before too! I know we can track it like we track our weight....and I know we can view the changes on the "reports"....and I do keep a journal and track my measurements that way too.......BUT....... I really wish they'd have a ticker like the one we have for our weight loss. I think THAT would be SO much…
  • Weigh-in: SW: 169.8 Previous weigh-in: 168.4 CW: 167.4 Very pleased with this, but I find it hard to be excited or hope this is a break in my plateau. All I can do is keep moving forward & keep pushing play!
  • :laugh: That one had me lost for a minute too!
  • Good to see everyone still at it!! I haven't been as active on our thread, but I'm still hanging in there! I completed each day this week, including today (W5D5)......Legs & Back w/ARX....woooo mama!! It took EVERY BIT of will power in me to get this done today, ended up getting a late start, which always bums me out &…
  • I feel your frustration. I have been stuck in a plateau for over 2 months now. Try that one. 2 whole months. No change on the scale, no change with measurements, no change in my BMI (I have a scale that measures that too). •I completely overhauled my workout routine (doing P90X now) •Increased my calorie intake (as SO many…
  • Well....I planned on updating my measurements for the 1st time in over 2 months.......since the scale has refused to budge this whole time, I held on to hope that perhaps my measurements were at least changing..........................big fat NOPE! Everything was still the same!! I am at such a loss as to why NOTHING is…
  • I'm 5'2 168lbs....I burn, depending on which dvd, on average between 350-550. The most I've ever burned was week 1, day 5 (Lean program) on Legs & Back + Ab Ripper X, 663 cals. I have been keeping a record of my daily workouts and cals burned, so on average it's been about 450 cals.
  • Welcome to the site...from one Army wife to another! Best wishes to your husband as well as you and your daughter. My husband has deployed to Iraq 3 times, I know how it is. Good luck on your journey! :flowerforyou:
  • I've done her 30 Day Shred....LOVED LOVED IT!! Negative?....that's a hard one! Some of the jumping can be a little hard on the knees (I have a knee that can give me problems, so that may be why). I have tried just about every dvd ever made....and besides Beach Body products....Jillian is the BEST and gives you the BEST…
  • I didn't see any affect on my appetite, or its *cleansing* purpose, or with weight loss, so I'm not sure exactly WHAT it's *supposed* to do since I thought that WAS what it was supposed to do. There are other appetite suppressants I've heard mentioned around MFP that others say works really well. I can't remember the…
  • I tried it, before I got with MFP. It didn't do anything for me, so I was WAS before I joined MFP and became more dedicated to truly eating properly, so that might be a reason why.
  • I agree with edorice.... I would like to add, I am doing the Lean version and continued to remain sore for the entire first 3 weeks+, so I don't think it's just the Classic that will do it to you. Good luck with it...and enjoy! :)
  • Incredible story, beautifully written....thank you so much for sharing! Very inspirational ♥
  • Phase 2 starts on Monday for me....SOOOO ready to pick it back up and BRING IT!! I was sick for most of the recovery week, so I missed out on Yoga & Stretch, but managed to get the rest in there! Nervous to check measurements, haven't done that in over 2 months! HOPING I'm feeling better by Monday......LET'S DO THIS!!…
  • Your adjustable weights would work fine, in my opinion. Tony gives you the time to select your prefered weight for each movement. I use the doorway pull-up bar and it works great, $19 at walmart, or they have the bands as well....he shows how to use the bands in place of a pull-up bar. I have also known people who use…
  • Love Crystal Light. Hate that it has the artificial sweeteners. Was happy to see them make a version without it.....but ugh....I've only ever seen 2-3 different flavors....and they aren't flavors I find yummy. I was bummed. :( Glad it worked out for you though! Hard to find things to drink that aren't bad for you!
  • I am about to start Phase 2 of P90X....I do add extra cardio by running my my treadmill right after my P90X workout, but usually only after the stretch or yoga disk. Just because those two do not burn as many calories to satisfy me. I will, at times, add cardio with the other disks as well...if I'm not too exhausted by the…
  • You weigh 167? I did the 30DS when I was 190+ (at 5'2")....I didn't notice the problems you're experiencing, but I did already have shin splints before I started the program, so I know how difficult that is. There are stretches you can do to help, I also bought new shoes and that helped a ton! I will tell you....once…
  • I've actually read and heard (from many nutritionists as well as personal trainers) otherwise in regards to carbs.... For what to eat before a workout.....this article broke it down fairly simply. It is also quite similar to many other suggestions I've heard AND read....…
  • Good job! I just recently (about 1-2 weeks ago) gave up coffee...which is TOUGH for me, without it, I could literally lay in bed ALL day and sleep. I usually need it 1st thing in the morning & again by 3pm to keep myself going. First few days were VERY rough....still isn't easy, but it's getting better. I also gave up…