

  • I love to Zumba--did it today :) I tried the DVDs, but I like the Wii games better. I like the personal competitiveness and getting feedback from the game that I'm keeping up and doing the moves right. I usually get pretty sweaty for these, so it must be a good workout :)
  • I also am relatively new to the EM2WL journey and could use some support--been on a low cal diet for about 2 years. I sent some of you requests--hope to hear back :)
  • Hi All! One of MFP friends recommended this group to me after I had a little temper tantrum about my two month plateau :explode: I have had some success--I had been eating 1300 calories a day for about a year and a half and lost about 20 pounds, exercising (cardio) about 5-6 times a week. I lost about 20 pounds and…
  • For a while, I was going insane trying to worry about all those different categories. I decided to focus on the calories alone as well and I've had success. I've read other message boards and a lot of members feel the protein allowances are too low anyway. Good luck!