

  • I make smoothies with spinach (2 oz), 6 oz of OJ, 1 banana, 1 serving of any frozen fruit and 1/3 cup of greek yogurt You could replace the greek yogurt with regular yogurt. I honestly can't taste the greek yogurt in the smoothie. It tastes mostly like the fruit.
  • 6 oz orange juice 2 oz of spinach 1 banana (around 100 g) 1/3 cup of Fage 0% yogurt 1 serving of any frozen fruit (berry medley, peaches, strawberries) Dash of cinnamon (sometimes) Ends up being around 300 calories, 10+ grams of protein
  • I love the Tinkyada pasta with some tomato sauce. I think it tastes better than regular pasta. http://tinkyada.com/ I do eat this in my car for lunch. I also make quesadillas with the smaller corn tortillas. They are definitely better than most of the gluten free breads. Lentils and rice is also a good option.
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