

  • I have always said to any friends that ask, size is never the issue, it is PROPORTIONS. How well does that woman present as a complete package. Does everything look right/natural/appealing together? Here this might explain it better than I can:…
  • Same layout out here in the west. They actually do an amazing amount of research and planning just to lay out those stores to maximize your purchases. The store I shop at is laid out so you feel compelled to start on one particular side and follow a set route route. The foods get progressively tastier and worse for you the…
  • Hi. I walk Balboa Park in the evening 3 nights a week (Mon. Wed. and Fri.) for a distance of between 2 and 4 miles. Company is always welcome it gets really quiet out there.
  • I am on an ACE Inhibitor, don’t know which I am at the office now and my bottle is at home, but so far so good. Cholesterol is normal, which constantly shocks my physician, my parents both have higher than normal and my fathers goes up from just looking at red meat. Sugars are always leaning towards concern but that is a…
  • Bumped and hating Phase 2. Thanks for the advice.