mandillynn2 Member


  • I'm just waiting for the right time to start it... lol!
  • Welcome! I am getting started again myself. This is actually my second account here. I figured the motivation for the first time is a lot different than the motivation I have now. Kinda like starting over from scratch. This site is actually VERY well put together to teach you portion sizes, and to also show you how much…
  • You are already beautiful. You just need a healthier lifestyle... like me... lol! :flowerforyou:
  • Know that you're not alone with this. I've done the same thing, only I have put on ALL the weight back. I had lost my motivation when I didn't need to fit into my wedding dress anymore (changed plans to a Vegas wedding where a wedding dress isn't needed). Now, I had reached a point where I need to at least try. Think of it…
  • I know what you're talking about. I was on BP meds a while back. When I attempted to lose weight the first time, I noticed I would get dizzy a lot. I took myself off of the meds until I saw my doctor. About a month of not taking them, we discovered that my BP was actually normal. Since I am heavy once again... I will…