

  • I can't stand fat free greek yogurt, blech! I buy the full fat kind, and use only a little at a time. An 8oz serving has almost 20g of fat, so I usually only eat an ounce or two at a time. It makes an awesome dip for fruit, or blended in a smoothie :) I originally started buying it for my super-skinny kids, but one taste…
  • I just bought a kitchen scale a couple days ago. LOVE IT!!!!!! It's pretty sensitive, and I can choose between measuring ounces and grams. I weigh everything now. And let me tell you, before I started weighing what I ate, my serving size estimate was WAY off base, lol. Now I can easily weigh things and do quick math to…
  • I agree with the poster who said nutrition is highly individual. There are things I'm not eating right now. It's not that I think those foods are the Devil, it's just that I'm not yet at an emotional state where I can handle them. For some of us, it's an addiction. It's like telling an alcoholic he can have *just one*…