ljmilld41 Member


  • I just read your post, and having recently switched to maintenance, I have to agree with you. I'm older by far and have to cook for a husband who likes higher fat food and a fussy daughter. Some days I don't feel like doing a third menu items for me. In addition they bring in chips and candy and cookies and pie and all…
  • I'm in the same boat, but you shouldn't be discouraged. You're making progress. Think how long it took to put the weight on, and just give yourself time. I also started at the beginning of the month and am only down 5 pounds, despite working out 5-6 days a week. However my jeans that were too tight now fit comfortably. My…
  • Hi, I'm a new member too. Joined February 1st. I want to lose approximately 25 pounds. So far I'm enjoying the workouts and not feeling too deprived, but time will tell. I've hit that age in life where my body just seems to want to store fat, particularly around the middle. It's not what I want, so it's time to fight it.