New Member

Hi i'm a new member and looking for other men/women who are struggling to lose weight. I want to lose about 1 stone, which doesn't seem a lot but I am finding it impossible. So i'm hoping to get some tips from other members.


  • ljmilld41
    ljmilld41 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'm a new member too. Joined February 1st. I want to lose approximately 25 pounds. So far I'm enjoying the workouts and not feeling too deprived, but time will tell. I've hit that age in life where my body just seems to want to store fat, particularly around the middle. It's not what I want, so it's time to fight it.
  • AZDizzy
    AZDizzy Posts: 434 Member
    Welcome, glad you two are here!

    I'm a relative newbie myself (five weeks) and have found that the combination of logging every bite, playing with my new fitbit toy and am being accountable with exercise by talking to the people doing the same program I am (or any program). I hope you love it here and reach your goals!
  • mywise
    mywise Posts: 43 Member
    Hi, i'm new to the site as well. A personal trainer recommended it. I'm doing the body for life challenge and had great results in the past. I'm finding i'm coming up Way short on my calorie intake( also am eating 6 times a day) I want to loose the fat but build muscle to. Is there any way the site takes into account muscle gained, bodyfat% etc.. or is it strictly scale weight? I dont want to end up a skinnyfat person by loosing all my muscle.. Good luck to you bed8.
  • Hello: I'm a new member too ;) I would like to loose 25lbs. I enjoy a lot doing X-BOX zumba but I think is not enough, so I will probably try Julian Michaels new Body Revolution Program. I can only do 30 minutes workouts because I'm a busy mom and spouse. I wishj good luck to everybody!!