BrianCrum Member


  • Yes me too. It reminds me of a niacin reaction or something. Running in the cold makes it worse!
  • The one thing about losing weight and keeping the stomach light is the vino is more potent! I like having just 1 glass and counting it in my calorie count a few times a week. It may be tough to stop at 1... but you won't regret it the next day and it sure makes me feel like this is more of a lifestyle adjustment than…
  • Blue Moon on a summer night.
  • I lost my first 10 lbs relatively fast. Then it was slow and steady. Sometimes 2 steps forward and 1 step back. Just always always ALWAYS get back to the plan.1-2 lbs loss per week is ideal in my opinion. But keep the concept simple (diet/excercise) and do whatever it takes to make the healthy lifestyle a habit. In order…
  • that's great! Great that you counted and know that and it's great that it's only 10 calories. I'd say if you were within 50-100 calories, good enough. You're way within the margin for error.
    in grrrrrr Comment by BrianCrum July 2012
  • I hear you loud and clear! That's why I'm on the forum, trying to find some kindred spirits out there w/ the same goal and motivation challenges. Best wishes to you- send me a friend request if you want to try motivating one another. I've been doing MFP for about 5 months now, was heavy into it and lately just here and…