I'm Vegan! Please add!!!
Yay! Im Vegan and just got back on here to make sure Im getting all protein needed and not overdoing it on carbs!
I also use IG ONLY for Fitness and motivation from other people. Follow me and I will def follow back! I love following other people fitness pages! IT KEEPS ME MOTIVATED! GettingFitWithKris
Thats cool! And 30 Day Shred is NO joke!
Just added you. Basically, its just a picture app. You take a picture, post it, describe what you are doing in the picture and you can tag the picture beginning with a # (Hashtag) and once you click on this you will find other instagrammers you have used the same tag on their picture. Ex. You use #TurboFire on your pic…
I am following the Turbo FIre schedule! Has everyone started!?
YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Lets get it people!!!!! Today and tomorrow and then Turbo starts!!! I know I am giving up pop and sweets for the first 30 days and I am going to be using my NutriBullet and doing a 30 Day Green Smoothie Challenge as well!
I have the Polar watch too! Amazing! I love it!
I actually have had this program for over a year now but never got through the whole thing. I am now determined to finish it. But let me tell you, getting the moves down was very hard for me too. Just continue exercising to the "New Class" where she breaks down everything. I did the New Class for a MONTH. It seriously took…
I am starting the program Sep 1st! Add me if you want to do together!
Anyone just start this? I just started on Monday
I work from 8:30am - 7pm Mon-Friday and Sat 8am-1pm. As you can see I really don't have time for a life because I am soooo tired from work, even though I do sit down all day...I am talking to people all day long. Gives me a freakin headache. But I do Turbo Fire 6 days a week right when I get home. I was trying to do Couch…
Thanks guys and girls! I am defiantly going to try to just workout hard. Goin to still see how it is working out in the morngs
I am still waiting for my Turbo Fire to come in the mail. Hope to get it today and will start Monday! So excited I found new TF friends. Will be adding all of you guys so I can see how everyone is doing!
OMG You puked!
Found a great receipe for Roasted Tomato and Artichoke Flatbread Pizza on about making this weekend. Its 277 calories!!!
Just got my FT4 on Amazon for $85 and I freakin LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!
Good info. Im starting Insanity March 1st, and really want to cont to say in my 1200 cal intake range as I am doing right now. So I guess I will up my cal intake to 1800 if u burn so much during the workout!
Started this workout last night and its FANTASTIC!!!! I only have 5lb and 8lb weights. Think I will go and buy 3lb today because I could do some of the moves with the 5lb but not the whole exercise. I get really tired and sore so I have to stop for a few seconds and get back into it... This workout is amazing and works the…
thanks everyone! I got my question answered!!! :)
4lafz , I am ALWAYS over my protein thats long as Im over Im getting all the protein I need?
LOL Before anyone else reply I am basically asking does PROTEIN DRINKS help with WEIGHT LOSS or just MUSCLE GAIN?? If it doesnt help with weight loss, I will just stick with Slim Fast.... I see people are giving me tips on the drinks they like and not really answeing my
Thank You, Brenda. Are you still doing the SF Plan?
May try you use it as meal replacements?
Wow! Thanks for the response everyone!! Didnt know Jillian Michael's had a KettleBell workout! That woman is something else...looks like I will be getting that DVD as well!
Starting mine tonight! Im so excited!!!
Decided Im going to buy this weekend and start Sunday. I really want to go 30days straight but it seems that Im going to be pretty sore. If I am I will rest but hopefully once I get used to it the soreness will go away and I can start doing it everyday. I cant wait! (Going to workout with this alongside my KettleBell…