

  • 1. chicken breast 2. brown rice 3. romaine lettuce 4. baby spinach 5. flounder 6. onions 7. eggs 8. cantaloupe 9. broccoli & cauliflower blend 10. oatmeal
  • Every 30 days for me, I don't want the scale to determine my overall mood by weighing too often, I've tried many weigh in routines and this works the best for me.
  • Why do some people feel like they have to be insulting when they add their OPINION to a post, Everyone has something valuable to say whether you agree or not. My opinion is there are many ways to lose weight, but only ONE way to become HEALTHY and its not by consuming a bunch of processed, refined, genetically modified or…
  • My healthy snacks are 100% organic bake-dried Cinnamon apple chips, VitaTops Deep chocolate l00 calorie muffin tops, hot air popped popcorn, no sodium rice cakes w/organic peanut butter, Almonds, Sugar-free jello, Pure organic chocolate brownie bar (I only eat half) Go Raw 100% Ginger snaps Super cookies Eden organic Wild…
  • I make a pot of organic brown rice and portion it out, put in plastic containers and freeze, they're ready when needed. Also I weigh and portion to the serving size of my snacks, and freeze them too. Wash and peel vegetables and have them ready to use. I work at home so its easier to prep here and there to stay ahead.
  • Thanks...I'm signed up, can't wait to see the movie, I enjoyed their other movie 'Food Matters' it's help make such a difference in my food choices. I had no idea our food is manufactured most times leaving out health concerns. A must see!
  • :smile: I can't wait to try this recipe..thanks
  • Great advice! Thanks for sharing:smile:
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