reske Member


  • Never bring any food into the house that you can't resist. If my husband wants desert I buy what I don't care for. He eats cheesecake I don't care for it, he eats chips I eat pistachios.
  • I love this web site it's helped me to loose over 55 lbs. I started with baby steps. I lost most by just substituting one bad eating habit at a time; example, full fat ice cream to weight watchers; reg. cheese to parmesan, spaghetti squash instead of pasta. Plus I realized I was a carb addict. I made a simple kind of rule…
  • Fruits & veggies best if fresh, some frozen ok, minus sugar
  • Everybody is different but for me once I figured out what was my "trigger" foods & cut it out I got past it. What I mean is this if a person is what I call a food aholic (can go for awhile then just looses control) Sometimes replacing say a sugar craving with perhaps protein of pistacios will fill the bodies needs. For me…