

  • (I forgot to add the quote thingy - still new to this!) I will make sure the friend I mentioned sees this. Thank you for offering to "friend" her! :happy:
  • To be honest, I just want to fit in the clothes in my closet again. ;) That having been said, I am so happy to see this on here. You sir, are awesome. I hope that my friend who has just about lost all hope sees this. She really needs it right now.
  • I am fairly certain that lemon juice (from the plastic lemons in the produce section) doesn't do as good a job as the regular lemons. I've seen a website on the good effects of lemon water in the morning, and it says that fresh lemons are best.
  • The Luna peppermint stick and lemon zest are my favorites. Haven't tried a lot of others. For the person who said they make their own, how do you make them?
  • Many times the fat we carry around our bellies is there because we eat too many simple carbs - refined sugar, corn syrup, white flour, white potatoes, white rice, and highly processed foods. We need more complex carbs with lots of fiber and good fats to break down the belly fat - brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole foods,…