1200 long term?

I am new to this again and although I lost 4 lbs in about 3 weeks I feel this may not be a caloric intake I can sustain long term. I am already noticing how I go over on many days despite best efforts. If you look at my diary please note today was a total fail day with BBQ at a friend's house.

I do aim to work out 4-5 times per week, if not in pain from strength 6-7 times with some days cardio only.

I am 5'6", currently at 135 and a sedentary job (desk). Days off are often spent doing house work and walking a lot at theme parks (the perk of living in Florida). I usually log an hour or two of walking if I spend all day out there.

It seems like 1200 is very low long term, I also read conflicting advice on the boards, as in establishing a more exact BMR...and when trying this I end up with info I should eat more around 1500??

Also, my biggest issue is belly fat, I have small hips but am huge around the belly button and don't even have had kids yet...bothering me a lot!!

Any advice? Oh and I know I'm weird, I do not like raw veggies or solid fruit. Love the taste, hate the texture! :((


  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    My opinion is that you (because of your current BMI) shouldn't be working on a calorie deficit, you should be trying to build muscle. You should be eating at least your BMR in calories. And strength training. You should be working to reduce your body fat percentage. That's the only way you are going to lose the belly fat.

    Good luck.

    So yes, for you, 1200 calories is way too low.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    If you don't think you can maintain that, there's nothing wrong with that, I couldn't personally eat only 1200 a day. Maybe try setting your weight loss goal to 1/2 per week since it doesn't look like you have a lot to lose.
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    I actually just did that... I changed goal to 1/2 and it upped calories to 1140. For the belly I took up more running for the calorie burn and I work 3x week with a personal trainer, once the soreness subsides a little I hope to do more on my own in between sessions, but the ones with him are tough ;)
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    We cannot see your diary. It should be public in order for us to see it.
    Try to maintain 1200 for 30 days and then adjust.
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    Sorry, it was public and is friends only now, I stay around 1200 most days but am often over in sodium and carbs. Gotta eat something as sides and it's usually starchy or bread... Give me a few to change it, it's been close to30 days and I'm wavering badly.
  • nefrettdo
    Many times the fat we carry around our bellies is there because we eat too many simple carbs - refined sugar, corn syrup, white flour, white potatoes, white rice, and highly processed foods. We need more complex carbs with lots of fiber and good fats to break down the belly fat - brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole foods, and whole grains are all much better options. Switching to some of these can help. And of course, as someone else said, strength training.
  • yeabby
    yeabby Posts: 643 Member
    MFP shouldn't have changed your goal to 1140. It doesn't go below 1200 unless you manually change it.

    If you put in that you'd like to maintain weight you'll see your recommendation for long term. If you are looking to lose a little and tone up try eating 100-150 calories a day less than your maintenance calories and exercise (both cardio and lifting weights, heavy ones).
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    I meant 1440
  • sv1983
    sv1983 Posts: 23
    i aim for anywhere between 1200 and 1500 calories a day.. works out really well for me and i feel satisfied.
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    Many times the fat we carry around our bellies is there because we eat too many simple carbs - refined sugar, corn syrup, white flour, white potatoes, white rice, and highly processed foods. We need more complex carbs with lots of fiber and good fats to break down the belly fat - brown rice, sweet potatoes, whole foods, and whole grains are all much better options. Switching to some of these can help. And of course, as someone else said, strength training.

    I try to stay away from white breads. I usually like whole grain and did grow up on that (I'm German by birth and hope we move there again sometime this year). I am using up my pastas that I have and then plan on switching that to whole grain as well.

    Sweet potato is a taste I have never been able to get used to. We didn't have it when I was a kid and it tastes funny to me. Maybe because I'm thinking "potato" and then I don't get normal potato taste? Lol

    Whole foods is also something I am working on. Trying to cook more, but a little time restricted sometime. But if I eat something canned I try and pair it with something basic like baked chickens seasoned with mrs dash
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    I've looked at your diary for 2 weeks back.
    Looks good but here is what I'd do.
    Calorie wise I think you're OK.
    Macros wise:
    1. Lower the carb under 100g/day
    2.Increase the fats and proteins to reach the actual no. of calories
    3. Decrease the damn sugar to less than 30g/day
    Do this for another 30 days and see the result and then adjust if necessary.
    Report back. ;)
  • Hippie_Soul
    Hippie_Soul Posts: 190 Member
    Try to maintain 1200 for 30 days and then adjust.

    I appreciate you simply saying this. Makes a lot of sense. Thank you.
  • sblueyez
    sblueyez Posts: 156 Member
    Is your calorie goal a result of you choosing 2lbs per week loss? You may be too close to goal for that. Try changing it to 1 or less per week. Your calorie goal will increase, and you'll feel more satisfied. It sounds like your body is signaling it needs more foods.
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    I've looked at your diary for 2 weeks back.
    Looks good but here is what I'd do.
    Calorie wise I think you're OK.
    Macros wise:
    1. Lower the carb under 100g/day
    2.Increase the fats and proteins to reach the actual no. of calories
    3. Decrease the damn sugar to less than 30g/day
    Do this for another 30 days and see the result and then adjust if necessary.
    Report back. ;)

    I have tried to do this and failed miserably. Given my taste bud restrictions I don't know what to eat instead of the carbs. Sugars I tend to go over because I am hungry and then find a snack.

    I will go with lowered weight loss goal, upped calories a bit. Still trying for sugars and carbs, but as stated in original post am failing at this attempt :(
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    Is your calorie goal a result of you choosing 2lbs per week loss? You may be too close to goal for that. Try changing it to 1 or less per week. Your calorie goal will increase, and you'll feel more satisfied. It sounds like your body is signaling it needs more foods.

    It was giving me 1220 for 1 per week, now for 1/2 it gives me 1440.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    Just my thoughts below --

    Your protein is inconsistent. You should aim for 20 grams 4 times a day. Protein helps build muscle and keeps you full longer.

    You have some empty calories (pop, cookies, crackers, etc.). On a 1200 a day plan that is hard to keep that up and not be hungry. Treats are nice but you might not want to have every day.

    You should try to get more fruits and veggies. Make shakes or soups to get them in if you don't like them. The veggies are really important. Adds bulk so you feel full and not too many calories or carbs (as long as you limit corn, field peas and potatoes).

    You have a lot of bread. High in refined carbs. Need to get more beans, oats, flax, barley, quinoa, etc. Bread/pasta/rice should be a treat. This one is hard but look around and consider all options. Even whole grain breads have other stuff like sodium that are not good in high amounts.

    1200 can be a challenge. I am starting month 4 and still isn't any easier but you evolve and learn to make better choices. I hate veggies but know if I don't eat them then I will get hungry. So I work them in at least twice a day. Just remember that choices you make will not only help you reach your goal but make you feel better and be healthier. Don't change just to drop a few pounds, make the change permanent and live healthier. Hope that isn't too "preachy". Wasn't trying to be just trying to offer some advice. Good luck with your journey.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    I really don't get it. You don't like meat (fat and proteins)? I understand about veggies (what about steamed if not raw?) but reducing sugar shouldn't be related to taste. Or maybe it is!!:smile:
    You know what I think? You try to find yourself excuses so you won't have to give up crap food. Do you have any medical condition that prevents you to do trial on the diet?
    Not being tough here but trying to get to the point.
    Add me as friend and we can argue more.:tongue:

    I've looked at your diary for 2 weeks back.
    Looks good but here is what I'd do.
    Calorie wise I think you're OK.
    Macros wise:
    1. Lower the carb under 100g/day
    2.Increase the fats and proteins to reach the actual no. of calories
    3. Decrease the damn sugar to less than 30g/day
    Do this for another 30 days and see the result and then adjust if necessary.
    Report back. ;)

    I have tried to do this and failed miserably. Given my taste bud restrictions I don't know what to eat instead of the carbs. Sugars I tend to go over because I am hungry and then find a snack.

    I will go with lowered weight loss goal, upped calories a bit. Still trying for sugars and carbs, but as stated in original post am failing at this attempt :(
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    Excellent advice. +1
    Just my thoughts below --

    Your protein is inconsistent. You should aim for 20 grams 4 times a day. Protein helps build muscle and keeps you full longer.

    You have some empty calories (pop, cookies, crackers, etc.). On a 1200 a day plan that is hard to keep that up and not be hungry. Treats are nice but you might not want to have every day.

    You should try to get more fruits and veggies. Make shakes or soups to get them in if you don't like them. The veggies are really important. Adds bulk so you feel full and not too many calories or carbs (as long as you limit corn, field peas and potatoes).

    You have a lot of bread. High in refined carbs. Need to get more beans, oats, flax, barley, quinoa, etc. Bread/pasta/rice should be a treat. This one is hard but look around and consider all options. Even whole grain breads have other stuff like sodium that are not good in high amounts.

    1200 can be a challenge. I am starting month 4 and still isn't any easier but you evolve and learn to make better choices. I hate veggies but know if I don't eat them then I will get hungry. So I work them in at least twice a day. Just remember that choices you make will not only help you reach your goal but make you feel better and be healthier. Don't change just to drop a few pounds, make the change permanent and live healthier. Hope that isn't too "preachy". Wasn't trying to be just trying to offer some advice. Good luck with your journey.
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    I actually never drink regular soda and don't like it...today it was all they had. Also no bottled water :( if I drink soda it's diet.

    The cookies I have are Kashi and I hate having bought them. I have 1 left and it's been sitting in a Tupperware box for a week now.

    I try to get veggies in, but can't find any ways that's like that won't increase the sodium too much - blah...my breads are not preserved, so I THINK they are a little better (they come from a non chain bakery in town).

    I have the problem of being a single household - currently with hubby away. When I buy something it's either I eat it or it goes in the trash, which is not acceptable having bills to pay too. I still got a bunch of stuff I won't eat right now but it's gonna have to be made soon.
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    I really don't get it. You don't like meat (fat and proteins)? I understand about veggies (what about steamed if not raw?) but reducing sugar shouldn't be related to taste. Or maybe it is!!:smile:
    You know what I think? You try to find yourself excuses so you won't have to give up crap food. Do you have any medical condition that prevents you to do trial on the diet?
    Not being tough here but trying to get to the point.
    Add me as friend and we can argue more.:tongue:

    I've looked at your diary for 2 weeks back.
    Looks good but here is what I'd do.
    Calorie wise I think you're OK.
    Macros wise:
    1. Lower the carb under 100g/day
    2.Increase the fats and proteins to reach the actual no. of calories
    3. Decrease the damn sugar to less than 30g/day
    Do this for another 30 days and see the result and then adjust if necessary.
    Report back. ;)

    I have tried to do this and failed miserably. Given my taste bud restrictions I don't know what to eat instead of the carbs. Sugars I tend to go over because I am hungry and then find a snack.

    I will go with lowered weight loss goal, upped calories a bit. Still trying for sugars and carbs, but as stated in original post am failing at this attempt :(

    I don't like meat? What? I love meat, any meat. And fish (if it doesn't taste disgusting like the frozen tilapia last week - ick)