

  • I did a quick Google search and it looks like fluid retention is an infrequent side effect of Cipro. I also saw some other folks were complaining about bloating and swelling after taking Cipro for a couple days. Honestly, I skimmed the info so you can google cipro + water retention if you want more info or look up the side…
  • Ok so u piqued my interest now so i did some quick googling lol..apparently the silica in food grade & pool cleaner is the same except food grade is amorphous & pool cleaner is basically pool cleaner silica has been heat treated which changes its physical shape...the shape of the silica & the fact that food…
  • Hilarious!! Lol'd hard at this...OP i'm just gonna say don't do it and no i don't have any scientifiic papers to support why u shouldn' just SOUNDS like a terrible idea and you should be grade or not..u'd be better off buying some acidophilus or align in my opinion
  • I've been natural for a year now, and I mainly wear my hair in braid outs or twist outs since they're easy to do & pretty low maintenance. I will pull it in a puff too from time to time. I have also heard that blow drying on a cool setting like someone else suggested really helps to extend the life of straightened hair…
  • I agree w/ Kristen Stewart, Ben Affleck & Hugh Grant...I almost want to commit suicide when watching them act
  • Hi all! I joined MFP this month to GAIN weight ( a rarity I know!). I've been underweight since forever, and I want to put on a few pounds which will hopefully give me that womanly shape I've desperately been wanting. :smile: I've been natural for a year now and I absolutely love it! I switch up my regimen but I mainly use…
  • LOL..glad I could make ur night! Who doesn't love a good passive-aggressive stabbing every now &
  • Well since you obviously want to shank her with the truth to make yourself feel better, just say it...and let us know how bad it backfires so we can all have a good laugh! You thought she was annoying before..wait til after u hurt her feelings :laugh:
  • I think you look great at 122! I agree with the other ladies who suggested just toning instead of losing more weight. I'm 5'6" and I fluctuate btw 110-115 lbs naturally which I feel is too skinny. I have a small frame so I feel like I look like a walking skeleton lol. I'm actually on here to gain weight! I'm trying to go…
  • I'm trying to gain weight as well! It's good to see other people are in the same boat as me. :)