sueset Member


  • It was beautiful in NY today also but I had a hard time with my eating. I had a lot more sugar than I should have had. I feel like I binged on low fat snacks today. I had a package of snackwells, a weight watchers desert, a 100 calorie chocolate bar and 2 weight watchers ice cream pops. Fortunately, I was pretty good with…
  • Excellent idea. I've never done this before. If I start the group can anyone start a discussion?
  • Good thought
  • Wow 49 lbs.! That's inspirational! Keep it up
  • Hello again everyone, I created this blog last night and woke up to this huge support group! I'm new to blogging so I didn't expect this. My initial thought was to find 6 to 8 women to support each other. Obviously, we found a lot more. Does anyone have any thoughts on how we might make this support group effective with…