gbasurto10 Member


  • If you're having a hard time meeting your carb requirements for the day I'm a big fan of Low Fat Pop-Tarts. Not the healthiest option. But, you're looking at 75g of carbs per packet with only 5g of fat.
  • One big peace of advice that I wish someone with experience would have told me when I first started bodybuilding. Try your hardest not to do a dirty bulk. This doesn't mean stay away from "bad" foods. it just means keep track of what you eat on a day to day basis. Tracking food has helped me learn what my body response to…
  • You might think he's eating a lot in one sitting. But, what matters most is total calories throughout the day. On a usual bulk i'm gulping down around 4k cals a day. I would recommend to use the IIFYM calculator to calculate his TDEE and increase cals by 300 every week until he starts to add some pounds. But, you won't be…