

  • Been waking up every morning and doing 25 min of fully body stretches while drinking tea with my husband every morning, I moving and having great quality time with my hubby before the kids wake up....
  • Thanks to those of you who have just joined !! I hope we can all have some thoughtful ideas and discussions That will keep us logging , blogging and MOVING!!!
  • Today did a 1 hour walk, and about 15 min in I needed to really stretch out my legs so I stopped at a bus bench and was able to do leg stretches and a few upper arm push ups against the back of the bench. I felt so much better after the 5 min stretch session I instantly was motivated to walk faster, the good Raggaeton work…
  • I have committed to physical exercise 3 times per week. This is my first week, and thought if I built a group that I could connect with I would be able to stay motivated along with other working women and moms! I am looking for this group to provide simple exercise ideas, outside of a formal gym/ training membership.…
  • I am 11 months Post Partum, to a baby girl named Jalayna and going back to work in 1 month!!!, I had a c-section and a difficult recovery and want to feel good an strong going back to work. I really need some additional support too so add me as a friend!