gail2002 Member


  • Ya I have, but will try again.
  • ok so I'm a bit late for my 1 week check in - but I have maintained my exercise routine. My diet hasn't been great and I haven't been logging, and I haven't weighed myself partially because I don't want to see the number!! Few more days and I will see how it goes! Hope everyone else is doing great!!
  • Current Weight: 179 Goal Weight: My initial final goal for myself was 170, but I want to go beyond somewhere around 140 as well is my final goal. Week 1: Week 2: Week 3: Week 4: (final for the month should be 170 or less) My Goals this month: -I am not going to weigh myself until April 15th!! -I will do a better…
  • Other than being sick this last week I stuck to my exercise goals and my diet has been good!! I am down 6.6 lbs and my goal was 5 so I am very happy!! I am in for April's Challenge as well!!! Hope everyone else is doing great!!
  • I know that the importance of that number on the scale is so huge but its really not the most accurate thing to monitor how we are doing with our weight loss. Try to remember that it is only a is how you feel you have done and how you feel about yourself that is more important!! As long as you keep reaching…
  • So I am new to MFP and anyone is welcome to add me as a friend!!! Definately getting in on this Challenge!! My goal for the balance of this month is 5lbs...thats more than a pond a week and I'm cool with that!! My exercise goals - I do go to the gym 5 days a week so I hope to keep maintaining that Good Luck to Everyone!!!
  • I'm in Onatrio Canada....but the more friends the better!!! Would love to be your friend!!! ;)
  • Hi Krista...My Name is Gail, I have yo-yo dieted for years as well...always trying to do it on my own. In October of 2010 I joined a weight loss program because I was tired of it...I hated feeling the way I did. I successfully lost 50 lbs with them and my year membership was over...but didn't reach my goal. In December of…