Rapunzel24 Member


  • I freely admit I have never smoked. But I am a nurse, and when I was in the Navy I had a bunch of smokers in my Unit. As the head of medical for my unit I was pretty involved in the health of all "my" sailors. I have had quite a few quit with chantix and heard nothing but amazing reviews. They were much more successful…
  • Well it is completely normal to have your weight fluctuate up to 5 pounds within 24 hours. Other things that can contribute to this are bowel movements, salt intake, inflammation(water retention), what time of day you are weighing yourself. So yes its normal.
  • Have you considered a raw cake? I know it sounds bananas, but it has the same consistency as cheescake, but is sooooo amazing. Here is the link http://www.sweetlyraw.com/2010/01/winter-dinner-party.html Its a blueberry cake, but once you seen the recipe you can see how its easily adaptable to lots of different flavors. I…
  • No I don't think keeping soda in your diet is a good idea. You have to slowly wean yourself off, or take Motrin and live with it. You can switch to something with less caffeine to help like green tea. Green tea is also good for you and your metabolism. I used to have a soda addiction but I actually got rid of it when I was…
  • I also either gain or don't lose at that time of the month. Its really annoying so I try to not even weight myself until its over!