lauraleeleg Member


  • i am a white "flour" lover but switched to whole wheat, which always seems to be higher in calories, but i think the difference i have noticed is that it keeps me fuller for longer AND (this is the biggy) "white carbs" only make you crave more of the same (breads, sweet snacks), so you are not satisfied the same as with…
  • I joined only a week ago and so far I love it! I have also done weight watchers, which works well...until you stop counting points! I find myself actually trying to make a lifestyle change this time, not just drop the weight quickly...Good luck to you!
  • Hi there, I am in the exact same boat. I also want to make real and lasting changes and want my kids to learn the same. It starts with us parents, so good luck to you! :smile:
  • I agree! I can count points til no tomorrow, but what has it really done for me? Like any "diet" as soon as you stop, the weight piles back on...myfitpal is helping to make real changes..I'm sick of yoyo dieting, i just want to be healthy :) Good luck to you and keep it up!