.... a burned out Weight Watchers member!!



  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    Welcome - and been there done that! this is much easier - if you need friends to motivate- please add me !

    good luck
  • Same exact scenario here. I joined MFP on Wed. and lost 2 since.
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Good luck here on MFP!! I too, like everyone else has tried weight watchers in the past. I failed miserably the 3 times I tried to do it - I was STARVING all the time! I know WW worked for my sister and she managed to lose a lot of weight doing it (well until she got preggers lol). WW is too much of a "diet" even though they advertise it as a lifestyle, I just didn't find it that way. In the meetings they just seem to push a lot of processed diet junk to replace the processed non-diet junk you're already eating. I congratulate anyone who it has worked for, it just wasn't my cup of tea. Plus I've watched my mother do it a million and one times and although she'll lose weight, she ends up putting it all back on within just a few months of losing it.
  • Another former WW here, although I was in it before the Points Plus system. It worked for me temporarily, and honestly I still count points (the old school points) in my head almost every bite I take. My s-mom has recently lost probably 30 lbs on WW, so I won't say they suck. But this is such a great site! I love the convenienc,, the accountability, and the encouragement; And also, I love the information. It has now become addictive for me. : ) Add me if you'd like. Good luck!
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
  • :Seems to be a lot of us former WW members. i had medical problems so my weight would flucuate. When i finally got to my goal weight and did not have to pay any more, only had to weigh in once a month, they don't take medical conditions into account.. I love this sight no getting weighed in and worrying that i gained 2 pounds and having to pay money for that. Love MFP
  • I did over 10 years of WW all the way thru Points Plus. But I would get cocky about doing it successfully and go out on my own and gain weight. I loved the accountability. I'm doing this because I'm part of a research trial and I have to log. My only limit is to stay under 1400 calories a day. I will say that I learned a lot from WW about balancing my diet, foods to eat, foods to avoid, looking for "tricky" packaging, staying part of a group, getting support, etc. All of which I am using now. So in some respects I was a WW success even though I never hit goal. This time I have a 5 year committment and I really know that I can get all the excess off and keep it off. You just have to learn what might work for you.
  • carobas
    carobas Posts: 10 Member
    I, too, have been a Weight Watchers member, but not very successful. It over priced, never enjoyed the meeting, always the same people complaining, no motivation for me..

    I prefer MfP, easier, free, and lots of supports from friends..
  • Rhitromans
    Rhitromans Posts: 3 Member
    I did ww 5 years ago and lost 4stone but have out 2 and a half on over the last 4 years. The new plan didn't work for me so I saw this and I'm giving this ago. 5 days in and loving it
  • paledi
    paledi Posts: 56 Member
    Wow, just asked a weight watchers question myself because I too think it's a waste of money. I didnt get one response...it makes you not even want to try.

    Sorry guys, I thought that sounded different than it came out. Don't mean to be a sour puss. I love this site!
  • Boosier3
    Boosier3 Posts: 57 Member
    How does someone custom set their protein and carb percetages? I looked at my settings and don't see that option. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  • bump
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Good for you!! And congratulations!
  • lauraleeleg
    lauraleeleg Posts: 5 Member
    I agree! I can count points til no tomorrow, but what has it really done for me? Like any "diet" as soon as you stop, the weight piles back on...myfitpal is helping to make real changes..I'm sick of yoyo dieting, i just want to be healthy :) Good luck to you and keep it up!
  • greengirl1978
    greengirl1978 Posts: 13 Member
  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    I am surprised by the number of ex-WW members here! I did it for a number of years and the old program really worked for me. When they changed to the PointsPlus system that threw everything off. I really wonder what their nutritionists were thinking. I did a research on the best diet plans in January and the five that came up all consisted of counting calories. WW was listed as 'needing improvement'. That should tell you something!
  • Same question...how do you customize your protein/carb percentages?
  • Enonoid
    Enonoid Posts: 136 Member
    Just passed my 20 consecutive days of logging. Lost 4lbs so far!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    I tried Weight Watchers as well. It didn't work at all for me. Since I had to think about food and points all the time, I actually put on weight. I was always hungry and got very frustrated. Welcome to MFP. It is a great group of people with lots of helpful suggetions. Good Luck
  • tuulikki30
    tuulikki30 Posts: 99 Member
    I lost over 100 lbs using ww not once but twice. The second time I have been able to keep it off for 3 years this March. I agree with most of the posts regarding the negative aspects of ww. The thing to remember is that any diet only works if YOU work it. I have to be honest and say that I lost my weight using online and before there were major changes to the program. I also looked at it as a life style change and not a diet that I was going to be done with once I reached my goal weight. That change in thinking was the key for me.

    I stopped paying for online last year when I was off with an injury and figured I was just wasting my money. I still read ww community board nearly every day but haven't posted since quitting. It was there that I read about this site and the success people were having here. I would like to lose up to 10 lbs to help me with some fitness goals I have set for myself.