.... a burned out Weight Watchers member!!



  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,806 Member
    I lost ~140 pounds on WW. Not really going to bash it. Every way of eating isn't for everyone.
  • Maisietotes
    Maisietotes Posts: 10 Member
    Well, what an interesting alumnus-WW group we are! I followed WW programmes through their various incarnations over the years and, for the first while, rather enjoyed the meetings, group support and rewards, lame though they may have been. However, I gradually became disenchanted with the gimmicks of the programmes, especially the constant requirements for upgrading of tools to be used (calculators, etc.) every time there was a change. MFP is easy, free and, best of all, requires and reinforces immediate personal accountability. And it works.
  • cynthia3010
    Hi, everyone my name is Cynthia and I just joined this week suggested a friend of mine. Have lost 3 lbs ths week but I am really liking this. I too have been a member of WW (Oh! how many times) and I think this may be what I need. I wish you all good luck and hope you will be cheering me on as well.
  • racs80
    racs80 Posts: 42 Member
    hi cynthia3010 well done on your 3lbs i find this easier than ww im not a negative person even if you ont you dont loose at least you havent gained lol i wish everyone on here all the best im so much more positive on weight loss and iv only been on here 2 weeks and there aqre some really nice people on here to suport you x
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    My adult daughter just joined WW, she has a serious weight issue, 5' 4" and over 400 lbs. She needs a program with support. I hope it works for her. As for me, I went to a meeting and here is what I think. The new points plus system seems to hide calories, I think my daughter was given too many points and the points aren't a good gauge for what you are eating, sometimes the points are free and other times they count. I think the system has people losing at a very slow rate, so they can maximize your time in the program and collect $45 a month from you forever.

    It appears that WW is more into taking your money, than really helping you lose weight. When I make something like a large batch of spaghetti sauce and then try and break it down into points for a serving, it becomes anyone's guess how many points to give a serving. MFP works nicely for me, haven't really lost any weight yet, but am trying to follow the program.
  • Msvalsworld
    Msvalsworld Posts: 53 Member
    I did WW on and off and got tired of it after while. I got tired of paying and not being serious enough about it. I like my fitness pal it keeps me accountable and it seems to be working. I still like the WW smoothies I may have to stop in one day and get me some.
  • megannicolex33
    bumping for the "fat to fit radio tools" advice
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    I liked WW when I did it a number of years ago. I preferred the points at that time, to counting calories.

    I liked it because they had a book where tons of foods (whole foods, and processed/restaurant foods) were listed along with their point value.

    Since back then, it was a pain in the rump to try to look up calorie counts for lots of foods, especially before good searchable databases and smart phones, having a points book was a lifesaver, and made it much easier.

    But these days, when you have good calorie resources literally at hand - WW's method doesn't seem that functional anymore, unless you really need the support of the meetings (which I never did anyway).
  • nitepagan
    nitepagan Posts: 205 Member
    I did WW for 5 years - changed over to MFP 4 weeks ago and so much better! In my opinion, weight watchers limits fat intake too much. I was so hungry on WW and just by replacing my afternoon snack of FF yoghurt with a handful of almonds, therefore upping my healthy fat intake, I've stuck to MFP without any problems and my hunger is gone completely. I haven't even fancied the cake and biscuits around the office, and I realised I only wanted them because I was so hungry all the time, and I don't actually like them!

    I still eat a low fat diet, and try to limit my carbs to wholegrains/fruit/veg/etc, but I'm just not hungry like I was on WW and it's done me a world of good! I also find the forums on here and the "newsfeed" of everyone's accomplishments much better than WW online and really inspiring!

    Good luck to you! I would recommend setting your percentages correctly, etc, as suggested above, I've found that really helpful! Add me if you want some support :-)

    Fat is not the problem with losing weight. Fat makes you feel full, but you have to use caution with it as it is high in calories. Restricting too much fat is unhealthy. Carbs are a good one to restrict, but not totally remove from the diet. I am avoiding bread and cheese, but not totally abstaining from those two items. Two high calorie items, that can allow you to eat more nutrition food items in place of them. Such as nuts and whole grains, etc.
  • pg1girl
    pg1girl Posts: 268 Member
    Be sure to start right!

    Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools.
    Do the body fat calculator then BMR tool.
    Eat EXACTLY the amount of calories given per your activity factor and you will lose fat.
    Eat too low and you will lose muscle!
    Custom set MFP to 30% protein 40% carbs.
    Enjoy losing inches babe!

    How do you custom set it to 30 and 40???
  • zzzzia
    zzzzia Posts: 295 Member
    I just quit WW... and will be doing MFP instead.
    I think WW could work, but I find their online food database scarce compared to this one.

    Also, why pay if I could do this on my own. I was only doing the online version anyway. I did not get the group support. You folks look awesome :)
    It is a lifestyle change, I am in no hurry and this feels right.
  • mfeltham
    Hi I am new to MFP as of Tuesday. I am really enjoying so far. I was wondering if there is anyone out there that has a thyroid condition because I have an under active thyroid and have difficulty losing weight.
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    I liked Weight Watchers for the Core plan, partly because I hated counting freaking points!! I am so glad I found MFP, too. I have lost 9 pounds in 4 weeks, so happy! Would much rather plug in meals and have an ongoing tally!
  • turnbull1984
    wow 2lb in 2 days is brill!! i have to say i have tried slim fast and other diets and never got anywere i have been on here for 9 days and i have lost 5lb just by watching my calories, im very happy doing this its not hard work it just makes you more carefull of what you eat :) well done you keep up the good work
  • turnbull1984
    hi yes how do you custom that?
  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    Be sure to start right!

    Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools.
    Do the body fat calculator then BMR tool.
    Eat EXACTLY the amount of calories given per your activity factor and you will lose fat.
    Eat too low and you will lose muscle!
    Custom set MFP to 30% protein 40% carbs.
    Enjoy losing inches babe!

    This is quite interesting....this says I should be eating 2000 calories/day. MFP has me at 1460. That's a HUGE discrepancy!! I'm curious as to why MFP has such a lower number? I'm losing quite nicely on the MFP amount, although I usually go over by 100-200 calories/day, so maybe that's why.
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    Be sure to start right!

    Google Fat to Fit Radio Tools.
    Do the body fat calculator then BMR tool.
    Eat EXACTLY the amount of calories given per your activity factor and you will lose fat.
    Eat too low and you will lose muscle!
    Custom set MFP to 30% protein 40% carbs.
    Enjoy losing inches babe!

    OK, I just did that body fat calculator thing, even though I know that you're supposed to do it in the morning. It says I am 23.9% body. NO WAY. That is so wrong. Basically, if I get any lower, then I am in the unhealthy range for my age??
  • LisaRN9
    LisaRN9 Posts: 75 Member
    Haha I guess there are a lot of us disenchanted WW's. I hated the new point system. The old one worked perfectly well for me and then I lost NO weight on the new one. I also hated journal-ling. For some reason I don't mind tracking my food this way. So far, so good with MFP!
  • gc2052
    gc2052 Posts: 183
    I am a life time WW. Only pay if I am over my goal by 2 pounds. Had to pay this month. Fourteen 14 dollars is a little steep. I'll drop out before I pay that amount again.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I liked Weight Watchers for the Core plan, partly because I hated counting freaking points!! I am so glad I found MFP, too. I have lost 9 pounds in 4 weeks, so happy! Would much rather plug in meals and have an ongoing tally!
    i used core for a while also but found that i was tired of only eating the good stuff and wanted a treat every once in a while and when that happened the weight came back on. so this is such a great support system for me and free and i have met some of my best friends on here! i have the absolutely best friends list and w w doesnt let you go on at midnight and chat if you cant sleep!