

  • Hey everyone... thanks for your replies...:drinker: Oh swishpete.. im sorry it isnt working out for u...! U need to take ur body into account.. wen u do da video does it make u sweat a lot or out of breath? Coz if u aint finding it hard... ur not gona get results hun!! :smooched: I found that my body tells me then n there…
  • Hey i jus wrote a new post about my jogging success! erm its called "jogging worked wonders" check it out... (by maybe goin my profile?) lol :heart: xx good luck to all of u wonderful peeps! xx:heart:
  • Of course u can tell! More like can u spot the similarities coz dats harder!?! Haha :drinker: AWEESOME!! Ur a NEW PERSON!!! :flowerforyou: enjoy your new life!!! :love: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • Of course u can tell! More like can u spot the similarities co dats harder!?! Haha :drinker: AWEESOME!! Ur a NEW PERSON!!! :flowerforyou: enjoy your new life!!! :love: :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • YOU ARE NOT YOUR BODY - YOUR JUST INSIDE IT! GET USED TO IT THEN CHANGEEEEE IT! Heres some simple steps to start losing REAL weight off YOUR MIND and then YOUR BODY!! 1. Get used to your body now!..... take (before) pictures from all sorts of angles,.... really get familiar with you size, your bumps, how you look from the…
  • YOU ARE NOT YOUR BODY - YOUR JUST INSIDE IT! GET USED TO IT THEN CHANGEEEEE IT! Heres some simple steps to start losing REAL weight off YOUR MIND and then YOUR BODY!! 1. Get used to your body now!..... take (before) pictures from all sorts of angles,.... really get familiar with you size, your bumps, how you look from the…
  • :bigsmile: MY PROGRESS PEOPLE: :bigsmile: OK ITS BEEN 3 DAYs ---(started monday)....> heres wat i done!!! :happy: Im eating regularly now and getting hungry more often...which shows in 3 days my metabolsm must have boosted up... coz before id starve all day and didnt even feel like eating either!! My plan was to do…
  • Thanksss everyone for all ur comments.... its great to get support....n also to come out in the open...hehee :laugh: wow u lot have lost loads.... puts my "lost 0lbs" to shame! :sad: haha mind u i only bin on here for 2days?! hey deb...u wana join me ...dats great ..:drinker: .. ! im gona try email u on this thing...and…
  • Wow uv inspired me! I think im gona try it I need to lose 20 pounds exact ... and my plan was 2months...whcih was making me not excited coz dats ages away! But the 30day shred...wil do my job in a month! if that really happens...Godd WOW! xxxx
  • Hey there aloe vera cream/gel and lots of people told me that works!! I started applying it yesterday n hopefuly soon i can tel u all the good news....! btw im 21 and i think i got em coz i lost some weight few years xxxx
  • I think im a size 10 but the reality is size 12 actually fits me!! haha so now my weight is 138.8lbs (63kg) and i want to be 120lbs (54kg).... simply because by that point ill be a nice comfy skinny size 8! My situation RIGHT NOW is awfullll: I eat too less - like 1 meal a day - so my metabolism must be ROCK bottom! Im…