PunkE Member


  • If you have never lifted, then do not lift heavy at all. There are 2 aspects of lifting: 1. the technique and 2. the amount of weight you lift. I have had both a power lifting and Olympic lifting coach (weightlifting) and, in the beginning, I practiced doing the lifts properly without regard to how much weight I could…
    in begiiners Comment by PunkE December 2013
  • I pay more attention to my pie and personally shoot for 40 carbs / 30fat / 30 protein intake ratios. Second, I use a bioimpedance scale so the lbs don't matter only if the fat% is going down and the muscle number goes up! :)
  • I also responded to his request for questions regarding the site being for women or not, as well as mentioning that he sells stronglifts t-shirt for men but not for women. He did not acknowledge my question of the same nature as yours. We can't be the only two!
  • Hey, TinaDay1114! Here you go: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/PunkE Feel free to ask me anything about it :)
  • I have been using the New Balance N4 Pearl Heart Rate Monitor for a month now, and I love it so much. Yesterday, I decided to put some of the results of my HRM in the blog section of myfitnesspal. You have now given me the idea to mention in the blog what HRM I am using in case anyone else wants to see how I have…
  • QueenB1965, no need to push you, just plan exercise into your schedule, just like a hair appointment or a dentist appointment! I just started posting my workout in my blog section of MFP today. I only worked out 20 minutes today, but at least I did it! That's all I expect of myself, just to show up for the job :) Orishp, I…
  • Hey, Kathy! A shoutout of encouragement to you, too! :)
  • Hey, there! I know this is 6 months later, but just a shout out of encouragement from a local. It's hard with the kids, go go go!
  • I have done 5 rounds of P90X, currently doing P90X2, Week 7! What week of P90X for you?