jessann87 Member


  • I would say I do the same, I run slower at first and then set my pace once im warmed up. I don't take walk breaks no matter how far I am running, and I go for miles instead of tracking time. I do 2 short runs (3-4 mile runs) and one long run (5+) a week. One thing I have learned is its easier to just slow down (to an…
  • I totally have the same problem! At my deask job I get so bored and we have snack items that we sell and I always want more! I try to make myself drink water or I start writing and organizing different things to keeo me distracted and thinking of other things. I am still in a constant battle right now with it but I have…
  • I feel drained alot recently. I probably have to many days off some weeks, but I find that if I am already drained in the morning I put my planned exercise of the day into my fitness pal so I can't take it back and I have to do it. Most days it works! :)
  • All of these sound do good! and so many options! Thanks ladies!!!
  • I am totally going to go buy the powder now! I have been trying to drink the shakes recently but this sounds so much better! thanks!
  • :) Awesome! I hear ya on the fluctuating weight, I feel like it changes so much It's hard to weigh in everyday. I really hope the home workouts work out for you, I have a hard time staying focused on those but I have a pilates one that I LOVE and use quite often. I'm working two part time jobs right now 40+ a week so I…