

  • Summertime, Sunshine, Feeling Good and Looking Great!
  • I'm open, just let me know what works best for everyone
  • I'm in Current weight: 185.6 Memorial day goal: 165.6 Overal lgoal: 135-140 I don't know what weight I need to be at for my overall. I know what size I want to be and when I am toned and at that size I'll be done. I am guessing it is around 135-140.
  • There are multiple websites out there where you can download coupons on items you will use. Try, couponmom, shop at home, or there are several others. They can really help with matching your meal plan to coupons and make a large dent in your budget. Also, for me, I eat what I want but really try to stay in my…
  • For the second part of your question. Going out gives you incentive to eat lo-cal items earlier in the day and save a few calories for later. The best thing, is to plan a head. If you're going to have a couple of drinks, make sure you do count them to stay true to your program, but do something to burn extra calories…
  • Been there my self just a few weeks ago. Take a deep breath and set a mini goal to track your calories tomorrow. Picture your meal plan and try to stick to it. if you don't, just be honest with yourself and enter your what you do have. I fell out of habit because I was eating things I knew I shouldn't. and I didn't want to…