lpsiah Member


  • Thank you thank you!! Tonight really is going to be great now!
  • I don't like the gym and I don't have space for machines so I do the workouts on youtube of Cassey Ho. She has her own website http://blogilates.com/ She's really diverse with her workouts and pretty explanatory.
  • Oh yes, even if I can't do the workout I'm trying to at least do 15 of something else. :P Nothing is going to stop me once I start!(I hope)
  • So I started today and couldn't finish lol. That shows how weak I am and I know tomorrow I'm gonna be so sore, but nothing is stopping me now!! I'm gonna push harder tomorrow!!!!
  • Hi ! I go through the same thing since all my friend are like that and I just lack the motivation so maybe we can motivate each other. Pat.
  • Thanks! I love it too. I think is really fun.
    in Hi Comment by lpsiah August 2012
  • Hi Helen, I used to do the Jenny Craig one. While it worked with me losing the 20 lbs I was supposed to, then I got bored with it till the point there food was gross for me. So I've been stubborn to go back to it and I've decided to deal with my own cooking(hate cooking) So I feel your pain. But it can be done!. Pat.
  • Hah yeah they can be pretty big :P Also I work around Time Square so is quite hard to forget those sugary temptation around here, but I've been strong for the past 4 days! hah!
    in Hi Comment by lpsiah August 2012