

  • I have to say I have noticed the same thing especially aspartame, so painful.. I used to love Diet A&W and Diet 7-Up but I had to go to drinking the regular of both and can't even do that much anymore bc the sugar levels are just high in them I guess.
  • I just wanted to add my two cents in on this subject :) I started seeing a chiropractor a year ago for migraines and he was also the first one after muscle scans to mention he thought I should be evaluated for fibro. He was right. I was diagnosed late last year and he has continued treating me. He is what you could call a…
  • Hi everyone, I am new to the group but not new to my fitness. I have fibro and was diagnosed last September, but have had the health issues and indications of it for 9 years now. I am 31 years old and have also been dealing with a version of vertigo since October 2011 which makes it even harder to do things. I was reading…