deedah1216 Member


  • I've been eating the Great Value/Walmart brand no sugar added maple brown sugar flavor. It's only 100 calories. If I want to sweeten it up a little I add a packet of zero calorie Splenda
  • I used to hate running. I've always said the only time you would ever see me run is if my family were in a burning building and I was running in to rescue them. One day I got a wild hair to start tunning on the treadmill and found that I actually liked it. Months later I received an email from my gym (the YMCA) about…
  • Awesome job!!!! I just completed my second 5K and I'm now training for a 10K. I ran mine in about 40 minutes, a 13.11 mile pace accordning to the race results. I'm just coming back to running after a fractured ankle and was just happy to cross the finish line. Keep up the great work!!!!!
  • You can do it!! Just take it one day at a time and remember each day starts a new. I totally understand about getting back on track. I recently took a fall and fractured my ankle. I was laid up in a cast for a month. As much as I tried to eat right I felt down and out about not being able to compete in a 10K that I had…
  • Here's a recipe I entered for my personal use on this site. It broke down the calories per serving (serving is about 1 cup) after I entered all the ingrediants. It comes to about 160 calories after the breakdown. You could use 1% or non fat milk as well as whole grain pasta for a healthier recipe. I hope this helps.…
  • Thank you so much for posting this informaiton. I started training for my first 5K several weeks ago. When I saw the scale going up instead of down I actually removed the scale from my bathroom and put it under my bed. I just couldn't understand how it was that I was sticking to my calories, running like mad women and I…
  • I feel like I'm in the same boat. I log all of my food as honestly as I can, even on bad eating days. If I'm not sure of the calories I will defer to Calorie King. I've been running like a mad women training for a 5K and the scale has gone up, not down. I don't eat back the calories I burn as my doctor has stated that I…
  • I agree with Michelle. I've done the Weight Watchers thing with some success, but hit a road block. My thryoid doctor asked what foods did Weight Watchers consider to be "free". The point he brought up is all foods have calories and suggeted I try calorie counting. I love MFP so much better than WW. I never realized how…
  • I asked my Endocrinogist last week about the theory of eating back the calories I burn from excercising. His exactct words were "don't do that, at least while you're trying to lose weight". He suggested that I might want to try that once I'm maintaining my weight. Prior to talking to my doctor, I tired eating back the…
  • I've always thought by not eating my earned exercise calories it would help me to lose faster. I'm not losing as much or as fast as I thought I would by calorie counting. I weigh, meassure and stick to my 1200 calories and I can't seem to get the scale to move downward. Perhaps not eating my earned calories is why. I…
  • I always log my colories, good and bad days alike. It's my way of keeping myself honest so to speak. I also used to feel guilty when I went over my calories. I've come to terms with having the occasional bad calorie day. I've found in allowing an occasional off day or a special treat I satify my craving and move forward. I…
  • I also do a lot of hiking and walking. If I'm on a hiking trail with all the ups and downs and twist and turns as you described, I log it as hiking. I also use a pedometer that keeps track of my steps, distance and calories burned based on my weight when I set up my pedometer. I also note the time I start and end my hike.…
  • Great Job! Keep up the good work and you'll be at your goal weight before you know it.
  • I've been on this site for a little over a month. A friend of mine turned me on to it when I told him my doctor suggested calorie counting. I had been doing that other weight loss program that involves points, shall we say. I lost the majority of my weight through that program, but reacehd a road block. Since joining I…
  • I never heard of starvation mode until I started using this website. At first I was concerened when the message popped up if I didn't use my 1200 calories. After researching on my own and reading this article, I'm convinced nothing bad is going to happen to me if I'm under or over 1200 calories. I try to be use between…