

  • Agave Nectar - not so good for you... "Agave Nectar is another one that seems to be thought of as another supremely healthy product. Agave is natural, in that it comes from the juice of the agave plant. It has a low glycemic profile, which means less of an insulin spike. However, this is because Agave nectar contains only…
  • I have just started the switch to a paleo diet and cutting out dairy and sugar has been very difficult. I've been slowly replacing things I use daily with paleo friendly items. Today I replaced the Coffee Mate Naturals coffee creamer I've been using. I replaced it with Thai Kitchen Unsweetened Coconut Milk (in a can). I…
  • When are you having the root canal procedure done? My advice (based on a really bad experience) is to make sure you take a round of amoxicillin for at least a week before you have the procedure. This is why... I went in with a painful tooth and the dentist suggested a root canal and also suggested I do it that day b/c he…