Hot cross *bun* I get, it was the hot cross "yum" that threw me.
My guess would be that you are eating a lot of items that are pre-processed. That would be the Tesco meals, the Weight Watchers cakes... no idea what a hot cross yum is but that sound's suspicious as well. Its hard to say without the sugar being viewable. Try doing a little more of your own cooking. Most premade meals are…
You are heir to a species that domesticated beasts, tamed wheat and carved civilization out of the wilderness. Forget self-esteem and self-control. Have enough respect for yourself and your body to only eat what's best for you. Man up, say no to crap and eat your broccoli. And I mean that in the nicest way possible.…
I run barefoot. It really depends but it can take as long as six months to transition "safely." The method I used was increasing the amount of my run that was done in bare feet or minimal shoes but 10% every week. Kind of like when you are increasing mileage. I recommend Its a forum with…
I pretty much can't stand almonds, or greek yogurt. More power to those that do but I just...bleh... My favorite snacks are fruits and veggies. I cut up a big bag of carrots, green peppers, celery, broccoli etc. and put them in the fridge then I just throw an assortment in a bag on my way out the door and have something…
I love salad lunches. There is so much you can do with them! I love to throw cooked chicken breast on a tossed salad with a tablespoon of ranch and hot sauce. Mmm.. buffalo chicken salad. You can put nuts on them, dried fruit, any kind of protein like fish/meat/cheese. Put some olive oil and balsamic vinegar in a…
Feel free to add me :) I am almost always on during the week. As for recipes, I would definitely check out She has some wonderful and light recipes, might even find something like that infamous takeaway you O/Ded on today :). If you want to start ruling out the junk you can just follow Michael Pollan's…
Mmm...1/3 white popcorn popped in two Tblspoons of peanut oil for 199 calories, throw some curry powder and a little salt on there.. yum. With a skinny cow ice cream sandwich chaser. Or a nice hot drink like chai with milk or hot cocoa.
It's not really a class. (Note that any sequence is repeated for three minutes so like in the first round, you would wrap up the push ups and go right back to punches. Normally round one is jump rope) Here was my workout today: Round One: 30 Punches with weights, twenty toe touches on a hanging punching bag (fancy running…
There is a 9round in North Branford, CT. Its a kick-boxing training gym that set up on a circuit. There are 9 "rounds" that each incorporate a different kickboxing exercise and are all 3 minutes each. You can go at your lunch hour and do all 9 rounds in half an hour! And you can jump in anytime and there are always…
We are a generally short family. My brother tips the ruler at a whopping 5'4" and he's 31 so I think there probably isn't a growth spurt in his future. His wife is taller than him by about an inch :) She wore flats at their wedding so she wouldn't dwarf him, I thought it was sweet. My husband is 6' and athletic. It used to…
Fantastic! You look toned, way to go, that takes effort! We have the same goal :) How tall are you?
Guilty! I bring in homemade cinnamon rolls and my most recent marshmallow creations all the time... I love to bake and I can't keep it around at home so I bring it into the office. I try to post point+ values, calories and keep the sizes small though, if that makes it ahem... better.
I have definitely noticed a little bit of a frosty attitude from my coworkers lately. They all went a diet around the same time I did but they hopped back off the wagon after a week and I have lost 12 pounds. It always reminds me of an article I read once. The author asked, "Why is it socially acceptable to call someone…
I'm with the cooler idea. When I was little my mother used to drag us all around the country with nothing more than a econo-line and a cooler. We never stopped at restaurants and I honestly believe she kept all three kids and my dad all fed by mother-magic alone but I do remember sandwiches... lots of sandwiches... Its a…
"Why does God need a spaceship?" Star Trek V: The Final Frontier.
I upped my calorie goal this week by 200 and I rarely finish with more than 15 calories left in a day, that includes eating all my exercise calories. After upping my goal I lose 1.6 pounds this week and my target is just half a pound a week :). Think of your body as a car. If it doesn't have fuel, it can't run properly.…
Love the pose with the TARDIS.... now I want to watch me some 'Who.
Holy Sauces Batman! That's a lot for coffee creamer, salad dressing, maple syrup... sheesh. I spend my calories like I spend my money. If I going to pay for it, it better be worth it. Coffee creamer isn't giving you anything of value back. Spend those on some fruit instead. I like cookies... no I LOVE cookies. So I make my…
Hell yes I eat all my calories. This girl's gotta eat :tongue: Not to mention, me without a sufficient amount of food is an evil uber-beast not fit to roam among mortals. I exercise because sticking to 1200 calories a day is an exercise in will-power to which I am not equal.
Find a dress in the store that doesn't make me look like an over-weight porn star wannabe.
I usually don't notice until I look over and they are giving me a disgusted look. Even then its just funny. Probably because I just got done pummeling a punching bag like it insulted my mother, am sweating like a pig, and have a face so red I look like I am about to have a stroke. What bugs me most is the girls that I just…
The most weight I ever lost, 3.4 lbs in a week (I went from 142 to 138.6) was the week I chilled on my well-rounded tush because I had just injured my calf AND shamelessly ate all my calories everyday. Taking it easy and eating all my calories was exactly what my body wanted.
I was stuck at 140 for ages! I waffled between 140 and 141 then jumped up to 142 and lost 3.4 pounds the next week. It was like I had to get up a good running speed before leaping the hurdle :). I should note that that week I dropped over three pounds I was taking a break because I pulled something in my calf. Taking it…
Having donated both blood and platelets, I recommend taking at least 24 hours off. After a few days you should start to feel pretty much back to normal.
You can log sex as an exercise? Brilliant! Mind=Blown.
Sweets? ::Pulls fresh baked King Cake out of oven:: No I don't really do sweets. ::Gives powdered sugar glaze a final stir:: Don't you know giving that crap up makes you stop wanting it ::Pours glaze over cake and watches as sugary goodness cascades down the side of golden brown cake:: I haven't had sweets in ages…
Mmm... I love peanut butter... mmm... *Currently making sweet nutritious love to a banana covered in peanut butter*
Medicine Balls! You can use those to add a little oomph to crunches, squats, wall-sits, etc. I have the 8 pounder and love it, you might try some of the heavier ones but go for the kind with handles. I think those are just easier to use. I was going to say jump rope but you beat me to it :) And who can forget the best…
Just be careful with IUD's, I'm not saying they aren't great for most people, just know the risks. My mom has had Rheumatoid arthritis since she was 25 because of complications with her IUD and she wasn't the only one. Google "Dalkon Shield" when you get the chance.