

  • Thanks for the help again. I just changed it. No more annoying red numbers
  • I meant that it replaces the red numbers with green if I exercise.
  • Yes, I am usually over my protein level but well under my fat, carbs and calorie levels. Really strange, I thought. But I would try what you said. Thanks!
  • Hey everyone. I just joined a couple of days ago. I am 5' 3, 209 pounds. I was 240 pounds last March. My goal weight is 140-150 pounds, somewhere in there. Don't want to look like a super model, just want to be healthy.
  • I need some friends too. I just joined today, and I was very surprised how easy it was to keep track of my food. I lost 30 pounds last year somewhat using Weight Watchers, but never actually paying for the service. I just had to figure the points and all that. While it did work, I am very tired of trying to calculate the…
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