Make sure to max out everything in ME1 before you go to ME2, you will get some perks for doing so... You may also want to look at a wiki before you start your second or third run through to maximize your carry over for each version of the game...
I am currently playing Destiny, but my go to game/s are the Mass Effect series
I have played through the game four times to get all the ending... I am on multi player almost everyday working on those banners... I am Y4bz on xbox... heres another goodie for the online play..., the following link will allow you to view your stats and gear from the multi player online part of the game...…
I will be starting the BioShock series next week (I have the first 2 on order) and am looking forward to a new adventure....
Mechromancer... although i just level 50 my Gunzerker... My siren was my main until Gaige...
friend request sent Y4bz
I have a level 50 Mech, Siren and Commando Arizona can be tough... Hit me if if ya see m I am Y4bx on xbl...
I am Y4BZ
If you can I would wait until the new systems come out
I like my Fuelband a lot but you have to understand its limitations such as the inability to be used while swimming or biking. I look at the Fuelband as a tool to help me with my everyday goals. The web interface is good the iPhone interface is good the iPad interface is bad (basically the iPhone app that you can enlarge…
I have played with so many other folks I have never played a complete run through without missing something so I am doing it with my mechro...
I am always looking for folks to run BL2 with. I like to go slow and loot but will help others with their quest... MY xbox name is Y4bz if anyone wants to hook up. I have a Level 50 Siren a Level 50 Commando and a level 16 Mechronancer and all the current DLC...
Heres a tip for US residence, Check with your health insurance providers some of them offer you money to use for gym memberships or reduced membership fees at gyms... It is in the insurance companies best interest to keep you healthy...
I am playing as a Siren I am level 46 name M.3.&.R.Z cause thats how I play... I love this game and the lated DLC
I usually rear compression shorts under a pair of basket ball or other loose fitting shorts the sweat does not show.
10,000 steps a day seems to be a lot especially for people in an office setting (any office), knowing most people don't just work 9 to 5 (or basically 8 hours a day) plus commute time... I am hitting around 6500 to 7500 a day and thats with a 45 minute treadmill work out... the problem is, that these folks that come up…
Just remember loosing weight in a healthy manner is a long term process that requires a lot of the techniques you are employing... Think about it, how many years did it take you to get to your max weigh? Look at the positive side of what you are doing becoming healthier prolonging your life and use that to keep pushing…
Usually when some one asks this question they are referring to the weight verses or to mass ratio (the weight of the same amount of two different materials). In this case muscle will weigh more then fat.... Sorry keyboard went crazy
I have sent you a request anyone can send one to me at my nike id llgeisz
Added you
Anyone can feel free to add my nike id llgeisz I am currently on a low fuel count I work in an office I fcan only work out about 45 minutes a day
I have no research but I have always done cardio pre work out to get the blood pumping... but I am old school so it may not be the in thing right now
Hey I started at 242 (I am 5'7" so thats a load for me) I am right not 189... I have found it takes 3 things to succeed on this program (at least for me) KDF... Knowledge Discipline Fitness... It is not that hard to do it just takes some time.
Well I can kind of attest to the OP's statement... I was 38 years old in great shape but ate crappy foods a lot (Mc Ds. taco bell pizza... etc.. to name a few) I was at a great weight and then all the sudden on fathers day Whamo heart attack... The fact is (with age comes wisdom.. sometimes) you can eat junk and loose…
Still loving the Mass Effect series the co-op in ME3 is great fun...
A lot of it also comes down to how the food is pre prepped for the chain (preservatives) and the quality of the food (fatty burgers) and what they are cooked in... While a splurge once in a while will not kill you or your diet (for most) doing this more then once or twice (fast foods) will probably hurt your progress...
Nope cute oic...
Another issue will always be your activity level. If you are not eating enough to cover what you burn your body may start storing... I am currently doing a 1200 diet... I work out everyday burn about 250 I try to replace most of those calories so I can continue to loose... As to sustainability I can see a point will as my…
I have to agree on this one for game play and variety... I bought an xbox last year and after play mostly FPS games I wanted something a little different. I heard a little about the Mass Effect series and how the game play carries over from 1 to 2 to 3 and thought I would give it a try. I bought ME1 and played through it 3…
For me it is 2 things 1). consistency of what I am eating 2). finding the right balance of meals and exercise (if you do any) or life. For what I am eating I am on the boring side I have the same breakfast and dibber everyday and vary mu lunch. I have found eating 6 times a day 3 meals 3 snacks, helps me not be hungry (but…