jawhms Member


  • Butterball and Guaranteed Foods has something listed under turkey mignon wrapped in bacon. Another estimate is that a 5 oz. turkey breast is around 150 calories and a piece of bacon is around 130 depending on the thickness. So the total of the Hyvee bacon wrapped turkey tenderloins could be around 280 calories. I love…
  • Height is not the only deciding factor. What is your frame size? You can find out my measuring the circumference of your wrist. My height is 5' 7" and my goal weight is below 230. Ideally...near 190, but you get the point.
  • It doesn't make sense that I can burn 1000 calories on the elliptical in 45 minutes, but only 350 calories weight lifting in 45 minutes. My nutritionist also said that weight training burns more calories. What's the deal?