

  • Here is an article that explains all with research to back it up. Have a look at the rest of the site you might learn something. But please dont come back with some rubbish about how you know all that. Obviously caloric deficit is important you cant deny the importance of training properly and scientifically.…
  • Yes some people naturally have flat stomachs but to say strength training is DEFINITELY not needed is complete rubbish you need to do some more research before you give bad advice
  • Brian is spot on with the carb to protein ratio. I would advise a whey shake with water as it is absorbed into the body quicker. I add glutamine to mine to help with recovery.
  • Read this http://www.charlespoliquin.com/ArticlesMultimedia/Articles/Article/783/The_Truth_About_Heart_Disease_and_Cholesterol.aspx
  • I have no time for people like you
  • I wont listen to anyone who has such poor symmetry as you yet still decides to post a topless picture. EDIT: and it gets better looking at your profile your into steroid yet you have no need for them...
  • If you do the same thing for too long your body gets used to it. If you change it about then it wont it has nothing to do with poor diet as i said you will still progress but........ooh you no what i dont care do what you thinks right keep reading your flex magazine but if you do decided to put the jay cutler posters away…
  • If your serious about your goals then no I wouldn't say it was at all you will make slow and not that significant progress
  • Im not sure what your getting at with the rep count but you make out it doesnt matter what it is from the first two lines, High rep are 15 up and thats when more endurance comes into it as you will be solely using slow twitch muscle fibres. Yes diet plans a big part into getting lean (tone up as some people like to call…