

  • im burning anywhere from 600 to 1100ca a day. now that is just one workout. the days i have doubles, i have 600 in the morning and in the evening im getting 600 to 1100. just depends on the day and what work out it is. if i do cardio in the morning i burn 650 and in the evening if i do kenpo i can be at 1100 or more. just…
    in p90x Comment by helstar March 2009
  • thanks dave. i have typed in everything i can think of other than actually just adding all the infor for it. This is phase-2 week-3 day-3. i started at 230 and im at 209 today.
    in p90x Comment by helstar March 2009
  • no i understand that in the forums. im talking about in the exercise tab on reporting what you did that day. the food tab has alot of stuff in there already. just not in the exercise tab.
    in p90x Comment by helstar March 2009
  • i too check the scale everymorning. Mainly to make me work harder if the weight is up. no i know that the weight can vary 1 to 4 pounds everyday.
  • how come the website doesnt have the p90x workouts in it yet. heck i thought by now some one was doing it.
    in p90x Comment by helstar March 2009