

  • Hi Melissa, I have just joined this group having read your post. I too have the dreaded pcos and ttc. Also underactive thyroid and a defective gene (MC4-r) which no body has ever heard of lol. It basically makes it super difficult to lose weight. Tie that in with the pcos and its not the best recipe! Anyway, I have been…
  • Hi, I love to cook but rarely have time.If you have use of an oven you should invest in some roasting bags! These are a great way to create tasty food without the mess or hassle of preparing a big meal. You can use chicken or turkey breast, throw in what ever vegetables you fancy (whole or chopped), seasoning, or a…
  • Hi there. Firstly well done for getting back on the horse! Sometimes thats the hardest step to take! You said you have been diagnosed with PCOS. Me too, though I was diagnosed 15 years ago! They seem to know more about it now than then which is a start. You may or may not know that having pcos makes it more difficult to…
  • Its tough to lose weight anyway, let alone when you have PCOS. I have at least 90lbs to lose. I have 15 years of advice but that still doesn't answer all the questions. We can support each other!
  • Hi, I too have PCOS, Hypothyroidism plus other defects! And although my insulin and glucose levels are fine Im starting on Metformin today! I hope to lose at least 90lbs within the year. Maybe we can help each other out? :)
  • Hi. Me too. 15 years diagnosed, trying to lose weight and ttc.