

  • Congrats to all... with 90 days down I can say I have now lost a total of 60 pounds. My before and after pics are awesome. I've gone from 42" pant size to wearing a 36" losely. I'm going to do CardioX, StetchX and Kenpo for the next 2 weeks and hit free weights heavy (My "break" from P90X). Then, P90X rewind and start…
  • Day 58... Plyo tonight.. and I don't know about the rest of you... but I am pumped. I updated a calendar in my office and put a note on June 13.. P90X "Brought it!!!" Talk about a light at the end of the tunnel, it's like a gleaming reminder of all the hard work I've done, and the hard work left to do. Honestly, I'm…
  • Hey all, just checking back in. I got so wrapped up at work I hadn't thought to reply in a while. I'm still hanging with it, but I have to admit I skipped Yoga this week :embarassed: Did I mention I really hate Yoga... hehe Well, Week 4 couldn't have come at a better time, don't have to take weights and pull up bar on…
  • I'm definitly sticking with it... thanks for the reassurance Tony. Kenpo X was far and away the most fun so far, that didn't feel like a workout compared to the rest of the week. P90X really is put together well, keeps you coming back for more. Nutrition talk... I'm using Whey after work outs with the maintenance level of…
  • Tonyrr1... I just can't get on the train... I really don't like the Yoga... and I'll admit it...I don't like it b/c I AM TERRIBLE at it. Eriny - seriously... its the hardest thing I've ever done... and not in a good way. I fell, yes fell, at least 5 times. I only made it through 40 minutes or so before I gave. I'll try it…
  • Well, yesterday was a bust and I missed working out... so I got in Shoulders and Arms this morning (not to bad) and going to get in Yoga tonight (argh). Rather double up than miss one.
  • I just started p90x yesterday... and I woke up this morning to do Plyo at 4:30... and ended up going jogging instead... I couldn't straighten my arms :-( I guess I pushed a little to hard on C&B. They've gotten much better throughout the day... trying again when I get home from work. Great to hear other folks are fighting…