Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hi, all!

    I've been MIA the past week- was away at a conference and now sick.:sick: I left for my conference last Wed- did back and biceps at 5am and ran at the hotel gym before dinner. Then, as all conferences seem to go, I was unable to find any time to work out.:grumble: That is, if I wanted to sleep. Still, I wouldn't have been too bad- home on Sunday- except the sleep deprivation hit me. Then, Sunday night the ick hit me.:grumble: :noway: I slept all day yesterday. I'm feeling a little better today- may try for legs and back. I'm running my 1st 5K on Sunday, so I'm really feeling under the gun for my cardio.

    Despite my lack-luster finish, I still feel a great sense of accomplishment getting through my 1st round of P90X! I will start an abbrieviated round 2 on 6/15- going to Europe in 9 weeks!!:drinker:

    Still working on those pics- I'll make dh help me next week with day 90 results.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Tony- hope you feel better soon! Don't push it too soon- listen to your body!!!
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    :bigsmile: hello p90xer hows everbody been ive been good still workout the same but added ab class workout 15 min and cardio / Pilates 45 min
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    oh tony 90 days almost up any pics coming soon , also glad you are feeling better
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X 18 DAYS TO GO - Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X

    Well, here's the first real workout following my recent illness, and I felt pretty good actually though still not quite at 100%. Interestingly, on several moves, I seem to have made some good strength gains in terms of the reps I could crank out. For example, on my last C&B workout, I did a total of 54 standard push-ups. Today, I knocked out 67, and that's after basically a week of not working out. So... there's something to be said it seems for a rest period. Other than that, reps for all the moves were either equal to or greater than the last time around - very nice.

    Plyo tomorrow... That will be the REAL test. :)
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X 17 DAYS TO GO - Plyometrics (The MUTHA)

    Well, if there was ever a workout that would shake the rest of a cold out of your body... PLYO is definitely the one. I think I set the P90X Plyo record for most nose-blows in a single session... lol. Icky stuff aside, I actually was able to put out a solid effort today. Hammered Jump-Knee Tucks and Rock Star Hops, and that just HAS to make a person feel good. Nemesis? 180 Squat Switch Pick-Ups... Good lord, those had my quads barkin' big time. And, like Tony Horton today, I found myself going to the knees for a breath on more than one occasion. Being sick and Plyo do NOT mix well, but I still toughed it out.

    Next up? Shoulders & Arms and ARX... Bring on the weights baby..!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Ok, time to catch up on questions and such, then it's downstairs for Shoulders & Arms and ARX...

    Mosse... Honestly, I've never looked for protein bar recipes. I've tried several, but there are only two brands that I like: Beachbody P90X protein bars, and CLIF Builder's bars. Both have good flavor and texture and good protein numbers.

    Also, with respect to creatine, I don't know that you'd find many products that combine a goodly amount of quality protein with a creatine supplement. The two compounds perform different tasks: protein provides the building blocks for your body to build lean tissue (among other things), and creatine (usually in the form of creatine monohydrate in supplement form) is part of the chemical energy cycle that powers your skeletal muscles. Do you need a creatine supplement? No, it isn't critical. Can you achieve more muscle growth and sustained workout intensity with it? In most cases, yes because the added creatine (which your body already has, but in lesser amounts when you're not supplementing) enables you to maintain the intensity of a workout for a longer period of time, thus working those muscles harder for longer and generally prompting more growth (hypertrophy). I take it, and I do notice a difference; your results may vary. :wink: :wink:

    larthur... You should definitely be seeing some very noticeable changes in your body composition by now I should think. Keep pushing play, and only good things can happen! Like April suggests, I rarely bother with the scale honestly. Every time I have to go out and get new chinos and shorts because I'm shrinking in the waist, I know things are moving in the right direction. :bigsmile: Also, congrats on dropping three more pounds... Great results are headed your way..!!

    April... Sorry to hear you're sick. I was dealing with the crud all week last week, and I'm still trying to shake the remnants of it... but, on a better note...Way-to-go! I am always inspired by your sticking with it and getting the most our of your workouts. Congrats on the one-arm push-ups on the toes - that's awesome!

    RowerC... You sounds like you're making excellent progress amigo... and if you've been doing P90X, of course you've been doing serious cardio, man... No wonder you can crank out the distance on that rowing machine! It's the magic of Plyo X... lol.

    ... and last but not at all least...

    eriny... Hey there brother, I see you're still the old school workout animal of our bunch... lol. Yes, the pics will definitely be posted. Interestingly, the other evening, I was doing pull-ups, and normally my better half isn't around when I'm doing that. She happened to be behind me as I was pulling and said, "Oh my god, what happened to your back?!" She took some quick pics, and there are muscles jumping all out of my back that I, of course, never get to see. Very cool...

    Ok, I think that's everyone... Off to the workout..!!!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X 16 DAYS TO GO - Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X

    Really good workout today. Still interesting to note how much different the routines are with dumbbells than with bands. Good notes - total Chair Dips were up to 70 today, and moved up to 30 lbs on the Lying Down Tricep Extensions. Side Tri-Rise was a bear - could only manage to squeeze out 52 of those.

    I haven't mentioned ARX in a while. I'm making steady progress on that front. Kept up with Tony's pace all the way through the fifth move, but, as always, Fifer Scissors hammered me about halfway through. I don't know what it is about that move, but man, it's a pain... in a good way.

    Yoga X is next, and I am looking forward to it...
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Two weeks left - and down 20 pounds even. I posted some more photos. Everybody keep up the great work!!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    So, I'm back after another break-- was really sick last week:sick: , had to take the whole week off.:grumble: So, although I should have been able to call myself a P90X grad, I'll save that for next week. I'm going to repeat week 12 in entirety, then go right into round 2!! Despite recovering from my illness only Saturday morning, I ran my 1st 5K as planned yesterday morning. :noway: It was much harder than I'd anticipated- I'm chalking it up to being sick and no workouts for 10 days. However, I did run the whole thing and didn't finish last!:drinker:

    I'm back in full health now, so I ran 2 miles earlier to flush out my legs- my quads hurt like they haven't in a long time! I'll crank out Chest, Shoulders, and Tris, plus ARX soon.

    On a great note, my dh has been continuing with the workouts, and WOW! The changes are awesome! I'm so proud of his commitment! He now wants to start adding cardio!:laugh:

    Keep pushing play, all!!!!
  • nbyrd
    nbyrd Posts: 9
    Congrats to all... with 90 days down I can say I have now lost a total of 60 pounds. My before and after pics are awesome. I've gone from 42" pant size to wearing a 36" losely.

    I'm going to do CardioX, StetchX and Kenpo for the next 2 weeks and hit free weights heavy (My "break" from P90X). Then, P90X rewind and start over.

    I was so heavy to start with, 6'5" weighing in at 305, that I didn't get ripped in this series... BUT I did get in great shape... and very motivated. So I'm going to try this one more time before going on to P90 Plus and try to hit my original goal of 235 and maybe uncover my ab's. Consdering I haven't seen those since I was a toddler, that would be astonishing.

    Thanks again for all the support!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Just had to pop in---

    Congrats, nbyrd!:flowerforyou: I'll call myself a grad after this week!:drinker:

    rowerc2- WOW!!! What amazing progress!!!! Good for you!!! Thanks for posting your pics!:happy:
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Basically got to the 75 day mark (photos are posted), and for a variety of reasons I did not quite do all of the P90X workouts - but I have been doing lots of running and rowing. And a few sets up pull up/chin ups. Now off to 2 weeks vacation to see the folks, with the kids. Will work out every day, and am bringing my dvd's with me.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    I've been AWOL for a while but keeping up with the "X"! I'm officially a graduate! I'm actually in week 2 of round 2!

  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hi 90xers im watching and waiting ....
  • larthur
    larthur Posts: 37 Member
    I finished my first round of p90x last saturday wooohoooo! I have lost 8 pounds and all my clothes are falling off :smile: I can see definition in my arms and abs that i've never had before, it's sooo awesome! I am taking a 2 week recovery, mostly so I can swim, bike and run, I have several tri's this month I am preparing for. After the 2 weeks I am starting my second round.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    I finished my first round of p90x last saturday wooohoooo! I have lost 8 pounds and all my clothes are falling off :smile: I can see definition in my arms and abs that i've never had before, it's sooo awesome! I am taking a 2 week recovery, mostly so I can swim, bike and run, I have several tri's this month I am preparing for. After the 2 weeks I am starting my second round.

    Way to go!!! I'm also in round 2 and still loving the "X"!!!
  • chickylet
    chickylet Posts: 76
    I'm in week 8 of P90X and have to say I love the whole program. I can finally do pushups and not fall on my face. I don't do the pull ups but I have the bands from Beachbody. I was taking a look at the P90X + last night, it looks scary but interesting. I am also waiting for Chalean Extreme to get here to do after the P90X program is over.
    I can see the difference in how my clothes are fitting. I have to wear a belt with all of my pants now.lol I'm not buying any new clothes until I am finished this program. Today is a pretty easy day, Stretch X. I should get to it!!!:laugh:
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    I have been on vacation since June 29 visting the folks - and the diet is out the window. However, I have been going for 4 mile runs every morning, plus doing my P90X workouts - and I haven't gained a pound. In fact, I burnt over 6,500 calories last week, and am over 4,000 so far this week (per my HRM).

    I haven't been fitter probably in all of my life - I am stronger, my endurance is way up (a surprising after effect of the P90X program), and my back doesn't hurt any more (loss of weight plus a strong core). And I have shades of a six pack - finally.
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey Tony, I am here on Day 90 with photos. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ghanie

    Thanks for all the help and advice! :flowerforyou:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    waz happing p90x peeps everbody doing good
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