Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • mosse33
    mosse33 Posts: 69 Member
    thanks tony
    i thinks i will try with pull up bar and use the chair for a couple of weeks see how it goes
    if not going well i will get the bands
    how is the p90x working 4 u have u noticed change in your 40 days
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    thanks tony
    i thinks i will try with pull up bar and use the chair for a couple of weeks see how it goes
    if not going well i will get the bands
    how is the p90x working 4 u have u noticed change in your 40 days
    I gotta tell you man, and this is no exaggeration... My body has NEVER looked as good as it does through 40 days of P90X. I was in the Army for 10 years all told, and I never looked this good. I was always scrawny with a varying degrees of pudge in the middle. Now, my pudge is almost gone completely, and I've got muscles popping out all over the place where I've never had them before. I mean, I actually have a chest and "guns" instead of just arms. I'm not vain, but I definitely do like looking and feeling strong. It makes a big difference (not to mention what the other half thinks of it, but that's a private story... lol).

    I'm actually stepping the whole program up a notch for the second half because I want to win their transformation challenge and possibly be in a P90X infomercial... so I gotta work hard, hard, hard...!!
  • mosse33
    mosse33 Posts: 69 Member
    good luck for the P90X infomercial hope u make it
    can i just ask on the diet ive gone by the portions then i inputted it into my fitness pal but fell sort on cals by about 300
    so should i stick with that or eat 300 more cals to make it upto 2400
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Tony - I agree with your little speech - I also see muscles that I haven't seen since my early 20's. I am going to really push the final 6 weeks and take it all of the way through. Great motivation - thanks for that!!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    good luck for the P90X infomercial hope u make it
    can i just ask on the diet ive gone by the portions then i inputted it into my fitness pal but fell sort on cals by about 300
    so should i stick with that or eat 300 more cals to make it upto 2400
    Mosse... If you're hitting the food-type portions and still falling short on total calories, I'd say that's the time to listen to your body. If you're doing Phase I nutrition plan, remember the object is to restrict carbs and provide ample protein for muscle repair and growth. As you progress, the emphasis on protein diminishes and carbs increase to provide additional fuel for the increased lean-muscle mass the program expects that you should have built. This is somewhat simplified; there are other concerns, too, but that's the overreaching theme of the plan.

    Bearing those objects in mind, listen to your body. Are you bonking on the workouts (running out of gas)? Are you trying to really lose additional body fat during the first P90X phase? Find a balance that lets you keep your body supplied with the needed fuel (glycogen manufactured from carbohydrate) but yet keeps your body in that fat-burning mode. Don't feel like you have to take in precisely 2400 calories in your day; I look at those numbers as "target areas." If you have to add some carbs, do so incrementally, and lean toward good, complex carbs earlier in your day (whole grains, etc.) that will give you a steady supply of fuel for your body and have the added benefit of helping you to feel fuller longer. Creating a calorie deficit is the key to weight loss, but P90X is not a weight-loss program; it has a different focus (fitness and human performance), and weight-loss is many times a by-product of that focus. The one thing you DON'T want to do is limit calories to such an extent that you induce a starvation response in your metabolism; that will start to reverse everything you're trying to accomplish with P90X.

    Part of the nutrition plan is to get P90X'ers used to paying close attention to what they're putting in their mouths. I find that I do better when I think of food as fuel and building material rather than something that just brings me pleasure. It's not that I don't enjoy eating; I do. What I personally have to do to be successful though is temper the pleasurable aspects of eating with the focus required to eat the right things at the right times to maximize my food's benefit for the body I'm working hard to build. Hope that helps brother!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Tony - I agree with your little speech - I also see muscles that I haven't seen since my early 20's. I am going to really push the final 6 weeks and take it all of the way through. Great motivation - thanks for that!!
    Rowerc... Hey brother, thanks for the kind words. That's how we all get through this man, giving each other a hand up and keeping motivated. At least you saw some when you were in your 20's; I don't even know where some of these muscles I've got now even came from! :laugh:

    I'm with you for the rest of this round bro... Definitely ramping it up big time. I REALLY pushed hard on CS&T yesterday; improved my reps in almost every single exercise. I was for sure sore today, but the muscles in my chest look like they're about to jump through my shirt! Gotta love that... I am making my maximum effort to get on this new P90X infomercial and win a transformation challenge. If I don't make it, it sure won't be from lack of supreme effort!!! I am bringing ALL of it man...
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Hi, all! Really pushing hard in the workouts!! Loved kenpo on Sat! Did some interval training on Sunday and stretchX. Yesterday improved almost every move with upped weights &/or reps in C,S,T!!! Today, plyo. I finally kept up with the group, no modifications!:drinker: Upped my calorie burn!!!

    Tony, rower, mosse- interesting discussion on nutrition. For me, I focus on clean eating, balancing my protein and carbs, and staying within my tagret calories.

    And congrats on "finding your muscles"!!! I can definitely see the changes in my arms, back, and legs!!! Who says muscles on a girl aren't sexy????:bigsmile:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    :flowerforyou: for all the p90xers here . ive been away a while family isssues and sick ( no not the swine ) :) but im back ! hows everbody been doing good i hope
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Welcome back, eriny! You've been missed!

    Back and bis today- wow, I felt wiped by the end. Had an off day so didn't get to the workout until 10pm. Maybe too late. Getting better at ARX! Can do almost all reps!!!:drinker:

    Yoga and a run tomorrow!
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    :flowerforyou: goodmorning all
    ive cut workout a little down for now only 50 pushups , 50 situps, 40 leglift 10lb ball 20 knee lifts w ball and 10 min treadmill :( 15lbs dumbbell curls
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    :flowerforyou: for all the p90xers here . ive been away a while family isssues and sick ( no not the swine ) :) but im back ! hows everbody been doing good i hope
    Hey there brother... Glad to see you found your way back..! Hope things are turning back around for the best man...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FORTY-ONE - Kenpo X

    I'm beginning to notice that this is becoming the one P90X workout that I can really push past the trainers on the DVD. Not that the program isn't tough mind you; it's just that my conditioning is surpassing the DVD exercise pace. For example, for most of the punching routines, I'm doing about 5-10 more reps during the allotted time than the DVD does. It's nice to see the tangible results of the program getting me in better shape.

    Definitely time for a rest day... It's been a tough week...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FORTY-THREE - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Ab Ripper X

    I really had some energy this morning with CS&T and pushed, pushed, and PUSHED. Cranked out a total of 103 pushups - not bad at all. Today's BIG winner was the One-Arm Pushup. Last week, I couldn't get the hand position and balance to work, and I wasn't able to crank out a single rep. Thanks to a suggestion from a friend of mine and some experimentation, I was finally able to get the positioning and body movement correct and banged out eight reps, which to me is pretty darn good considering all the work you do before you even GET to this exercise.

    ARX continues to challenge, but my body is slowly catching up to the folks. I was able to get to the fifth move before I had to start pausing to keep up the pace. Also, I'm finally able to do the entire set of Pulse-Ups straight through without stopping, which is awesome because that move has been kicking my backside since DAY ONE.

    Tomorrow... Look out! It's... the MUTHA... Lol... Plyometrics is a-commin'...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FORTY-FOUR - Plyometrics


    Ok, someone tell me where they figured out where the PROFUSE SWEAT button is on your body. Why is it this workout always makes me sweat buckets..?? I'll just assume it means bad things are coming out and good things are going in. For some reason today my quads were feeling extra rickety, not a good state of affairs for Plyo. I was lagging on the jump-squat-type moves, and by the time the last rep came around, I was sure they were going to shoot right out of my legs. Good lord!

    Nemesis? You know it - Jump Knee Tuck! Oh man, those were kicking my hiney today big, LARGE time. The second set was positively murderous. As they say though, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I'm fairly certain that's the motto of some of these workouts; it must be because I'm not dead yet, and I am definitely getting stronger week-by-week.

    Back & Biceps tomorrow... Time to smoke those arms baby!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FORTY-FIVE - Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X

    Oh baby, a milestone was broken today in B&B. I had to reach for - hang on now - the 50-LB RESISTANCE BAND! I got to the One-Arm Corkscrew Curls, and the 40-lb was just not cutting it. So, I paused the DVD and pulled out the Mamba (my new title for the 50-lb band). Grrrr... those were 20 good and painful reps worth of lifting. I also used the Mamba on the Strip-Set Curls... 50, 40, 30, then 20. The truth is, I don't think that 20-lb band ever felt quite so heavy before!

    If I had to choose a nemesis today, it would be the Seated Bent-Over Back Fly, and not because the move is particularly difficult, but more because it seems doing that move with the band just doesn't quiet get it right. Like the One-Arm Pushup, I think it's just something I'll have to work with until I get a position that's comfortable and lets me maintain good form.

    Yoga X tomorrow... and I am looking forward to it big time...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FORTY-SIX - Yoga X

    I can remember the first week when this workout really killed me. The difficulty of the movements and the strength and balance required, the length of the program (92 minutes)... It was really daunting. Today, I noticed that I was really able to become relaxed and lose myself in the focus of what I was doing rather than worrying so much about tipping over or how my form was. It makes this workout very liberating. The one area that's still a struggle is the positions off the Warrior 3 pose. After being on one leg for a few minutes, a muscle that runs on the outside of my hip and across my backside gets really tight, and it tends to throw me off balance. I suspect as I continue to develop those muscles, that will subside over time. We shall see...

    Time for Legs & Back tomorrow. Last week was 133 total pull-ups. Can't wait to see how many I can do tomorrow...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Hey... I started a new page... WOO HOO!

    Off to bed folks... Rest well everyone...
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hello fellow p90xers workout
    50 pushups,50 situps,40 leglift 10lb ball, 20lbs dumbbell curl ,20 lbs curls, 20 90lb curls machine , 10 min treadmill restistance set 10 (150 cal )
  • mosse33
    mosse33 Posts: 69 Member
    hi tony
    sounds like your really pushing yourself keep it up
    1 more week till i start p90x
    so just a couple of HELP questions
    on phase 1 it says 1 piece of fruit does this mean 1 banana for the day
    and 4 the protein ive worked out i will have to eat 3 chicken breast and 2 tins of tuna a day WOW
    does this sound about right
    and last thing for breakfast is oatmeal the best thing to eat with milk
    im going to make a couple days meal plan would it be ok if u take a look and see if it looks ok
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Welcome, mosse33! Try protein shakes to fill out the protein calories!

    Week 7, day 5- legs and back, plus ARX. Finally did all of the balance lunges! It's funny- although it's the 1st move, I've always found it to be the hardest!!:grumble: :noway: I also did all of the reps in ARX except only 20 wide-leg/X-leg sit-ups. Getting stronger!

    I've had an off week, though. I've been too tired to do much cardio- only twice this week. I did nothing yesterday- I'll do yoga on day 7 instead. Hopefully, I'll have more energy next week- recovery week.

    Kenpo in the morning!!!:heart: