Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    hello everbody been out a week for family , no workout :drinker: lots of :drinker:
    so today 100 situps 100 pushups time to hang with my fellow p90xers :flowerforyou:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Tracy... Sounds like you're keeping busy... Way to go! Remember... the burn is GOOD... lol. How did that rank test go for you?

    eriny... I was starting to wonder about you bro. Glad to have you back. Hope you didn't have too many beers in those cups you were drinking... lol..
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    hey Tony wont know anything until award ceremony but i think i did good im alot better at sparring than doing my form so well see i will let you know :smile:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    good morning all
    this morning 40 leg lift extensions 50lb
    40 seated leg curls 50lb
    40 pulldowns 110 lb
    40 15lb dumbell curls
    100 situps
    100 pushups
    40 leglifts w 10lb ball
    40 laying down knee lifts w 10 lb ball done :glasses:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY TWENTY-TWO - Yoga X (Phase I Recovery Week)

    It's slowly coming around. I was able to notice a little ease in the Yoga workout today, and by that I mean, I could finally feel that my body was rising to meet the Yoga X challenge. Finally... I was sure this program was going to remain very tough for the entire three months. I have discovered a new difficulty though... Half Moon and Twisting Half Moon... Oh lord, those are tough with a capital "T". My wife actually joined me for the first 15 minutes of the workout tonight, a welcome surprise. Of course, the Biggest Loser took priority, but she still gave it a shot... Very cool.

    Time for something new next... Core Synergistics... Just the title sounds painful. Bring it on...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Tracy... Can't wait to hear how you did... and somehow I knew you'd be a bad-to-the-bone sparrer... lol.

    eriny... Sounds like a monster workout you out yourself through man... Yikes..!!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY TWENTY-THREE - Core Synergistics

    Wow. This was a monster.This workout touches everything from your chest down to your quads, and it's merciless. Honestly, this is the only workout so far where, after the last move, I had to lie on the floor for a few minutes before I had the strength and energy to roll over and get up. Good night! The sad thing is I didn't even take it too hard tonight as this was my first time with this workout, so I dialed down the intensity so I could learn the moves and focus on form the first time around. If I'm this spent after an easy go at Core Synergistics, it's going to be downright tortuous when I bring it all.

    So, where was a highlight? Ah, a move in the bonus round toward the end - The Plank / Chataranga Iso. Yikes. Get into a push-up starting position (the front-leaning rest for all my military brothers and sisters out there), hold it for 10 seconds, then dip down to the low point of the push-up, and hold the body about an inch off the floor, keeping everything straight, for 10 seconds. Repeat for one minute. I believe the operative word here is "OUCH!"

    Kenpo X tomorrow. After this workout, Kenpo is a godsend...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Just a final note to wish everyone a good night's rest... Take care everyone...
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    It's around 11:45 my time, and I just finished Plyo... Burned 794 calories!!!:glasses: I had one hell of a cramp during the middle of it, and am pretty sure that I've never experienced pain quite like it since labor...:sick: I waited it out, and then finished my workout... Boy am I tired!!! I also lost 2 pounds this week!! Off to bed, hope everyone had a great day!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY TWENTY-FOUR - Kenpo X

    When I think back to the first time I went through Kenpo X a few weeks ago, I can really see the improvements in my performance. I was able to really push myself through the moves and get my heart rate way up into the 80% of max range. Really had a hard sweat worked up by the time the cool down started; it was great, and just the pump I needed to end this day.

    Tomorrow is another new workout - Stretch X. I've gone through Tony Horton's Power Half-Hour Stretch workout before, so I'm wondering if this will follow a similar approach. I'd go look at the workout, but I like being surprised... lol.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Core synergistics was very tough for me as well today. Great workout - and it shows you just how much you can still improve your strenght/stamina/flexibility.

    Unfortunatley, my knee seems to have been tweaked - so will see how it feels in the morning.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Dreya Rolls are my worst nightmare!!! I always seem to get "stuck", and then I get "MAD"!!!:laugh: I love the head to toe workout you get from doing core, though...
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Kenpo X today. Knee still a little sore, but I was able to complete the workout. Now officially down 10 lbs since March 16. I threw in 10 chin ups and 10 pull ups for good measure.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Kudos to the 10 pounds lost! Double digits! Whoo-hoo! It's such a great feeling, isn't it?!
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Yup it is. Starting to see some ab muscles (still barely - but I know they are there). I figure I have to lose another 10 - 15 pounds before they become something more than figments of my imagination.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hahahaha!!! I have to keep on convincing myself that there's a 6-pack... It's just "hiding" under the junk I'm working off with P90X!!! It really does help to take pictures, though. That's what I keep falling back on when I start listening to the doubtful voices in my head...
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    hey Tony, i did it!! orange sr!!!! whoohoooooooooooo!!! sorry havent been on since sunday been crazy at work!!! so let me catch up! had to miss monday, late class! tuesday phase 2 week 6 day 2 plyo done! wednesday day 3 back & biceps and ARX done!! thursday day 4 kenpo done!!! have a great day!!!:smile:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235

    When I was getting ready to do the Kenpo X workout from P90X this past Wednesday, my dear wife Crystal asked if she could give it a try with me. So far, she had only been doing workouts from Turbo Jam now and again, and she'd tried Yoga X with me Monday and had to stop after about 15 minutes (Yoga X is a toughie). Even so, I said, "Absolutely. If you feel like you got it, come on and bring it sweetie."

    So, I started the DVD, and away we went. Honestly I wasn't sure what to expect from her. She can be her own worst enemy at times, attitude-wise, as I'm sure many of us can. We "think" ourselves out of trying something that's going to really test our limits or challenge us. It's a courageous thing to push yourself to the edge of the envelope and perhaps even a little farther. Today happened to be one of those days for Crystal.

    We got past the 20-minute mark on the workout, and she was breathing hard and sweating... but something kept her there with me punching and kicking right on through. 30 minutes... 40 minutes... and still, she was right there with it. During the breaks when Tony Horton kept moving and bouncing, she frequently stopped moving all together, and X-Jumps weren't something she was wanting to try. But once the workout cranked back up, she got right back into it.

    "How much time is left," she would ask through labored breath and a haze of fatigue, even though the timer was right there on the screen. I was half into the workout and half keeping an eye on her, concerned because I'd never seen her work out this hard or this long. I've always known she had a core of strength and determination, but it had been some time since I'd seen her reach down and tap into that power.

    When the cool-down began at around the 52-minute mark, I gave her a high-five. "You actually did that whole workout baby, and that's no joke. That's a P90X workout woman!" She was completely spent and proud of herself at the same time. I knew that she really gave it all she had to stay with it for the full length of that demanding workout, and I was deeply proud of her and very impressed. It's something special to see when you can be present to see someone will themselves to go somewhere they've never been or accomplish something you were sure was beyond them.

    I pointed to her across the workout room and said, "You remember this moment Crys. When you think there's something that you can't do for whatever reason, think back to this moment when you tried something you thought you couldn't do, and you did it with your own willpower and determination. I've always said you could do anything you set your mind to; you just proved it to me and, more importantly, to yourself." I'd been there before and knew what she might have been feeling. In Army basic training some 21 years ago, completeing a 15-mile fast road march in full combat gear and rifle was something I was sure would be the death of me, and yet, I made it to the end, exhausted and smiling for having finished something I was sure was beyond me. A person can generally do well more than they think they can, but that often requires pushing past that comfort zone into uncharted territory and a willingness to go to that new place.

    Might this be a turning point for her in some way? Who's to say? What I do know is that my wife has found her way back to her inner strength and her heart, and it's amazing to be there first-hand to see it. My hope is that she'll use that strength more often; if she does, nothing will stand in her way, and it will be a beautiful thing. Love you sweetie - go get 'em..!!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY TWENTY-FIVE - Stretch X

    My second new workout for recovery week, and in a sense, I was a little disappointed because the stretches we did were all familiar to me from the other P90X workouts, save for holding the stretches a bit longer. I suppose I've gotten used to seeing and doing "new" things whenever I saw a new workout for the first time, but by the same token, sometimes it's the tried-and-true stuff that works the best.

    The truth is, this was the perfect workout for me today. Work was a bear at the office today with so much going on that there was hardly time to breathe it seemed. As I got about 15 minutes into the workout, I really started to mentally let go of the day's difficulties and just concentrate on the techniques and on pushing myself as far as I could manage. Somehow, external conflicts can create such stress and tension, but the internal conflict of working your body to its limit has a relaxing effect.

    Core Synergistics is tomorrow... Now that will create some internal conflict, no doubt about it. Looking forward to it...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Hey hey good people! Lots going on, so let's get to it...

    Tracy... WAY TO GO..!!!!!! Excellent work on your new rank; that's the way to get it done! Great to see you back. I don't know what it is about this week, but it seems like everyone has been crazy at work here lately... Sheesh.!

    rowerc2... Ten pounds evaporated in less than a month..?!? You are a wild man bro! That is an outstanding result my friend. Kepp it up, keep it up!

    Resa... That 6-pak is under there, just keep on working at it. I noticed for the first time earlier this week that my "love handles" and melting away. Oh man, it's a beautiful thing... lol.

    Glad to see everyone is pushing play and keeping busy. TGIF tomorrow, and then the glorious weekend is here... Ahhh... Looking forward to doing some painting in the house and getting the lawn going since the Bermuda grass is starting to green up with the warmer temps lately. See you tomorrow everyone... Rest well.