Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • shopie
    shopie Posts: 39
    Hey, how is everybody. First time posting. I found this website through the p90x website. I like the food and exercise sections. Kinda keeps track of everything. I did the p90x last summer had awsome results. Got busy and let my self go for a couple of months. Now i am back into it. I started my second phase today. Chest, Shoulders,and triceps. A ton of pushups, my arms are dead. The biggest problem i am have is my stomach. I eat no junk food. I wish i could see some better results with my abs. There are some improvement, but. I will swear by p90x. I tell everybody about it. Well hope to chat with some of you. lets keep encourging each other and keep pushing play
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    phase 2 week 5 day 1 chest, shoulders,tri"s and ARX done!! WOW!! my arms are still burning!! but i love it!!!!
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Phase 1 week 3 - just completed Chest and Back - very tough - still struggle with Dive Bomber Push Ups, especially the 2nd set. Great workout though - arms feel like jello. Looking forward to Plyo tomorrow to give my arms a break.
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    2.5 mile run this morning and chest and back this afternoon!! I really pushed it- increasing all push-ups- except dive-bombers:grumble: - and did negatives with all of the pull-ups-- totally unsupported on the way down! Oooohhh the burn!!!!:bigsmile: :drinker:

    I'm going to sign up for my 1st 5K in June!!!! Motivation to keep bringing it!!!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Uggh... I have that to contend with tonight... After playing my 2 hours of volleyball with the group I hang out with every Monday and Wednesday. I feel like I'm about 1 inch from doing a face-plant when I start doing all those push-ups!!!

    My 4 year old watched me do it last week, and she had me laughing to the point of tears when she got concerned about my welfare... "Mommy, why is your face all red? Mom-are you alright?" With all the inhaling and exhaling, plus the added grunting for sound effects, I think she thought I needed to go to the hospital...:sick:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FIFTEEN - Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X

    Interesting lesson in chiropractic medicine and body structure today. Turns out what I did during pull-ups Friday is pulled so hard that I dislocated the end of my rib bone slightly from one of the two small "sockets" on the vertebrae that it normally sits in. That injury gives the distinctive "knife in the back" sensation because the end of the rib isn't seated properly. After a few SERIOUS adjustments, the rib is safely back in place, and I can expect the area to be a bit sore for the next week or so, which it is. I can still do the pull-ups, but I've been told to compensate more with the foot on the chair so the back isn't pulling as hard to give that rib time to seat back into its spot and for the surrounding tissues to heal up. So, there it is.

    As to this evening's workout, felt wonderful, especially since that pain was gone. Used the chair a bit more on the pull-ups as ordered, but still got in a good workout. Today's tally is 166 push-ups, 46 pull-ups, and 20 each of heavy pants, back flys, and lawnmowers. Not too shabby for an old guy I'd say. Noticed my right wrist was hurting a bit too, so the doc recommended some athletic tape applied snugly at the wrist which did wonders. Basically, my body is trying to get used to the extra demands that P90X is putting on it. Add to that the issue that skeletal muscles tend to grow at a faster rate than the underlying bone structure, and things can get sore sometimes.

    But, that's just part of the price; the only easy day was yesterday, as the SEALs say. Plyo in the morning... Grrrrr... Bring it on, man...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Wow, lots of folks here today. Great to see you all..!!! We're getting a great group here...

    Shopie... Glad you decided to join us brother. Lots of good folks here. I hear you on the midsection issue. I think there are two keys to getting that area down. First is nutrition, quality and portion control. Your intake has to support your energy and building requirements while at the same time allowing for a calorie deficit that causes your body to pull from those fat stores. My abs are slowly starting to get better, and it's taken some time. Keep on it, stay consistent with eating and your workouts, and the results will come.

    Tracy... Always good to see you, you workout ANIMAL, you... Only a couple more weeks for me, and it's on to Phase II and some new workouts... Can't wait!

    rowerc2... I hear you on those dive bombers; they can be brutal especially on the second trip. The diamond push up are the ones that kill me man... Yikes..! Keep on it... Keep building... The first month really separates the men from the boys and the women from the girly-girls... You can do it bro!

    April... Wow, you are the ANIMAL+ today lady... Get on down with your bad self! How many pull-ups did you crank out tonight?

    Resa... Oh, you gotta love the kids. My six-year-old daughter, when I was doing lawnmowers with a resistance band tonight, picked up the other end of the band and tried about one rep... Then she just laughed. She also tried a couple of push-ups with my push-up stands and managed two of those, then yelled, "Look Daddy, I did one!" If she can get that excited over one, I should be positively ecstatic over 20 or 30... lol.

    Well brothers and sisters, I am outta here for the night. 5:00 am comes early, my body needs the rest, and Plyo is awaiting my arrival at 5:15... Have a great night everyone... All my best...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Oh, and one last thing... Since I figured out how to do photos, here is the converted room in my home where the working out happens... I lovingly refer to it as the Hall of Pain... Used to do the living room thing, but we weren't using the formal dining room, so I converted it to the in-house gym room (and yes, that is a PlayStation 2 - had to bargain with the kids... lol).


  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Finally, one for my lady Tracy... This is from a Ryukyu Kempo / Modern Arnis seminar I attended this past January. From left to right, Bruce Chiu (7th dan Modern Arnis, 7th dan White Crane Kung Fu), my daughter Carson, Yours Truly (1st dan PaSaRyu Karate, 9th level Modern Arnis), and Jack Hogan (9th dan, Ryukyu Kempo)


    Ok, NOW I'm done... Goodnight folks!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I wanted to post something that I had on a different thread...
    Okay... So I'm up to week 10, since I had to repeat week 9 after all the craziness with hospital scares & sickness, plus volcanoes... I added some new pics on my profile to keep myself accountable. I put everything in order:
    Grey shirt is me at my heaviest
    Light blue shirt is at 2 weeks
    Dark blue shirt is at 7 weeks
    Black shirt is at 10 weeks...(Last 2 pics)

    Oh, and go easy on me-I just got finished playing 2 hours of volleyball, and THEN decided to take the pics... Not my most beautiful moment...:sick:
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    good morning p90xers! Hey Tony great pic thanks i will post mine on friday when i get my orange senior belt! And you will love phase 2 have a great day everybody!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Good morning, all!!! Boy, I can really feel yesterday's workout!! Chest, back, and lats!!! So far, no change in my weight, but I've lost an inch in my waist and in my hips! Didn't measure my thighs, but I know inches lost there, too!!! WoooHoooo!!!! Love P90X!!! For all you males out there trying to find your abs, I hear ya!! While that's not my problem area, I find that the place you want to lose it the most is the last to co-operate!!!:grumble: :noway: For me, that's my arms!:angry: However, I think the reason they're not getting smaller yet is due to added muscle! I can really see my biceps and can feel the development in my tris.

    Tony, since you asked- yesterday did 60 pull-ups- all unassisted down, 207 "real" push-ups plus another 61 girly ones when I can't handle plank. I really need to up my weight for heavy pants and lawn-mowers. Right now I'm using 15# weights for 20 reps each.

    Resa- aren't the kids great!!! BTW, your pics look great!!:flowerforyou: You can really see the difference! Time for skimpier clothes so you can really see those changes!:noway: :bigsmile:

    Plyo soon! I think I'll try to get in a walk- sunny and 60 here today, rain tomorrow. I think my legs will feel better if I walk after plyo.

    Bring it, everone!!:drinker:

  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Pfffft!!! Skimpy clothes and me just don't mix!!!:laugh: I will definitely try to do something other than just gym clothes, but I can't make myself wear the whole sports bra getup just yet... The only person who's allowed to see "the girls" would be my hubby-he doesn't mind me posting on the web, but a pic of me like that would get me in trouble!!!:noway:

    Have Plyo tonight... I hope everyone has a great workout!!!
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Did Plyo this morning (at 5:00 am) - very tough, and just going to do Ab Ripper - missed it yesterday. So far down 9 pounds since starting March 16, so I am happy.
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    phase 2 week 5 day 2 plyo done!!!! burned 500 calories! then went to tkd and burned 350!! woohoooo!! hope it warms back up soon, miss running at lunch time! :smile:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY SIXTEEN - Plyometrics (The MUTHA)

    Well, I have to admit... Today, Plyo really whupped me. A poster on a message board forum said it best recently - "Plyometrics is a BEAST!" Absolutely the best way to categorize this monster. Nothing but 52 solid minutes of jumping, moving, squat-jacking, leg burning time in the cardio zone. Once we get in gear, my heart rate doesn't drop below 150 bpm until it's cool down time. Today, 897 calories burned says the heart rate monitor, so no complaints about that.

    I'm keeping this one short-n-sweet. It's really late, and I need to try to get some rest. Shoulders & Arms and ARX tomorrow... and the hits just keep on comin'... So far, the rib has been holding in place wth minimal discomfort, so I'll continue to go a little easier on it than normal through this week. Hate to do that because I want to push, but if the machine gets broken, no work gets done. I have lots of work left to do with P90X. It'll take more than a dislocated rib and some stabbing pain to keep me down and out. BRING IT!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Hey folks... Sorry it was late to respond to everyone last night, but there's no time like the present, so here goes!

    April... Check you out on the push-ups..!! Ok, I sense a competition getting ready to start around here... lol. I'm gonna have to dig down and up my ante on pushing to get where you are. For my lawnmowers, I'm keeping my sets to 10 reps, but I'm using 40-lb weight (and can I feel it!)

    Resa... Oh man, a smart man never comments negatively about a lady's fashion choices. :bigsmile: I know for me, by the time June comes around, I intend to be wearing tank tops when I'm off and slim-fit polo shirts to the office. Why not show off the progress, right..??

    rowerc2... Awesome bro... 9 lbs lost in two weeks is a great result. You should be proud of yourself! If that doesn't motivate you to push play, I don't know what will my friend... Go get 'em..!

    Tracy... You were a busy lady yesterday! The weather's finally turning pleasant here, so I'll be outside at lunch for sure today enjoying the sunshine... Ahhhhh. :wink:

    Have a great Hump Day folks...
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Good evening!! Week 3, day 3: in the morning 2.5 mile run and worked out with my trainer; in the afternoon shoulders and arms plus ARX! Whew! I'm looking forward to just yoga tomorrow!

    Tony- I'm sure your push-ups are better than mine:laugh: but I'm working on my form! And again- LOVE those side tri rises!!!!!!:heart:

    Even after only 2 1/2 weeks, I'm starting to get comments on the change in my physique!! Who cares that I haven't lost any weight! Nobody but me sees the number on the scale!!!:smile:
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Did shoulders and arms this morning, and i really pushed. Measured my biceps this evening, and Left and Right arm have grown by 1/2 inch each arm in 2.5 weeks (and not pumped up from the workout) - so I am happy. Also did Ab Ripper this evening - and I was finally able to do all of the reps with decent form (I have no flexibility), so I can still feel the burn in my Abs.
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    good morning p90xers! Didnt get to post last nite phase 2 week 5 day 3 back biceps and ARX done! man what a workout! woo doggie! i gotta switch my workouts up this week and next only have 5 days so i have to take out one workout, so i will be skipping yoga for 2 weeks hate to do it but no choice! Hope everyone has a great day!
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