Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Shoulders and arms plus ARX tonight! Whew! I'm a-gettin' sore! I upped my weights- 12.5 and 10lbs- really had to push to finish the bonus round!!!LOL And my abs- screaming!!!!!

    And I still love the side-tri raises!:love: I wrapped my free hand around the back of my upper arm during them and could really feel the muscles working!:bigsmile: For us ladies, this is a very key area!!!

    Unfortunately, my schedule was hectic and I didn't get to P90X until after chauffeur duties- about 7:30pm. I had dh feed the kids leftovers and made him wait for his dinner until I finished!:laugh: He might be grumpy now, but wait until he has the HOTTEST wife in the neighborhood!!!!:bigsmile:

    Good Night, all! YogaX tomorrow!!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY TEN - Shoulders & Arms, ARX

    Here we are, now in the double-digit days; one-ninth of the way done, if you will. As with the other routines this week, I really pushed myself hard on S&A today. Seems my weak area is the shoulder presently. The shoulder fly exercises really pound me, so much so that I reduced my weight down to 20 lbs and still felt tthe burn, but I did finish my goal reps and keep my form pristine. Also, I found that I could really bang out reps in the Side-Tri-Rise exercise; just a hair away from 20 reps on each side, and given what the folks on the DVD were doing, looks like I'm in pretty good company. Of course, it goes without saying that I struggled through ARX; I think I'm just going to resign myself to these exercises never getting easy. There just better be a 6-pack waiting in the wings for all that pain. ;-)

    Here's some validation for you. In my martial arts class tonite, we were practicing a wrist locking technique when an opponent pushes you in the chest, and you use your hands to lock the opponent's hand against your chest to pull him off balance. When I locked this guy's palm against my chest and started to move, flexing my pecs, he said, "Whoa! Where did you get those things on your chest?" P90X my man... lol.

    Tomorrow is concentration time - Yoga X. Looking forward to it
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    pictures i want to see p90x
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    pictures i want to see p90x
    Eriny... I'm planning on posting my starting, 30-, 60-, and 90-day pics on here bro, so just be patient my friend... 20 more days man... :bigsmile:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    oh u just started im sorry thought you had been on it
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Haha... So mister, not really reading my posts, I see... Well, there's just no excuse for that, sir...

    Nope just getting out of the blocks. Tomorrow is day 11... 79 more to go...
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    pictures i want to see p90x

    Go to utube... They have a bunch of people who have finished, and you can see the transformations. It's one of the reasons why I was sold on P90X
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    pictures i want to see p90x

    Go to utube... They have a bunch of people who have finished, and you can see the transformations. It's one of the reasons why I was sold on P90X
    i did thats when i was thinking about buying it last weekend . what i saw was some changes and the few that really did (somewhat like on tv ) looked like they were 17-24 yrs old young and good frame to start with . lot of others they were good but i felt no better then were i am now and after 90 days .found a few that looked around my age or older . so for now i have decided against it .but want to go against it me vs p90x . being here with you fine people has made me push harder on my workouts . thank you all :flowerforyou: now lets go find those abs ! :mad:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    good morning didnt think i was going to work out this morning because
    i took my boys ( 16 and 17 ) to join my gym last night because they now want to be (buff ) like me.
    so i took them showed them one of my routines of couse after yesterday morning workout of

    100 situps (75 normal)(25 incline) , 100 pushups (25 normal)(25 wide)(25 waist)(25 incline) ,20 sec leglifts with 10lb ball 4 sets , (set of 4 ) 10 hanging knee lifts with 10lb ball and worked arms and legs

    they are crying they are sore abs hurt and they did less then half reps and no weighted ball so i had to show them how its done
    im going to try and make it in the morning if i can move

    well i made it not too much but
    100 situps ,100 push ups worked arms and legs and 10 hanging leglifts
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Eriny... Always nice to show up the young guys, isn't it? I have two young guys in my martial arts class, one a HS basketball player, the other a HS football player. They're faily humble and into the learning, but they have their cocky moments, and it's always a liitle satisfying to "magically" pitch their 16-year-old butts onto the mat before they know what happened.

    Never underestimate older folks I say... :wink:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    i did thats when i was thinking about buying it last weekend . what i saw was some changes and the few that really did (somewhat like on tv ) looked like they were 17-24 yrs old young and good frame to start with . lot of others they were good but i felt no better then were i am now and after 90 days .found a few that looked around my age or older . so for now i have decided against it .but want to go against it me vs p90x . being here with you fine people has made me push harder on my workouts . thank you all :flowerforyou: now lets go find those abs ! :mad:
    Well, I'll be your test case my friend. We'll both see what 90 days through the P90X meat grinder produces. For me, abs is the toughest part of this whole thing; always has been. So, like you, I am definitely out there looking for my abs... :angry:

    If you do decide to do the "X", you can it through my website below, and they'll assign me as your coach. I'd love to work with you man.
  • BR1986FB
    BR1986FB Posts: 1,515 Member
    i did thats when i was thinking about buying it last weekend . what i saw was some changes and the few that really did (somewhat like on tv ) looked like they were 17-24 yrs old young and good frame to start with . lot of others they were good but i felt no better then were i am now and after 90 days .found a few that looked around my age or older . so for now i have decided against it .but want to go against it me vs p90x . being here with you fine people has made me push harder on my workouts . thank you all :flowerforyou: now lets go find those abs ! :mad:
    Well, I'll be your test case my friend. We'll both see what 90 days through the P90X meat grinder produces. For me, abs is the toughest part of this whole thing; always has been. So, like you, I am definitely out there looking for my abs... :angry:

    If you do decide to do the "X", you can it through my website below, and they'll assign me as your coach. I'd love to work with you man.

    Abs & plyo are definitely a beast. How many reps are there in the ARX workout...339 in 16 minutes? Chest/back days are pretty brutal too in that I'd guestimate doing well over 200 pushups and pullups for each movement.

    I'm 41 so I getting up their myself. :laugh:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    I ran yesterday and then played some brutal volleyball for 2 hours-it was so competitive, and I felt like my legs were going to give out from under me by the time I was finished. My running calorie burn was around 400, but I burned 1,221 calories from volleyball alone!!! I was so worn out that I couldn't bring myself to lift last night... I'll be doubling workouts tonight. YogaX, plus Shoulders and Arms... Wish me luck!

    P.S. I'll take experience over age any day... Anyone dumb enough to think that they can take on a person just because they happen to be older needs to be put in their place...:bigsmile: And as for finding those abs-I'm 28, so I have no excuses! I WILL get them back!!!
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Week 2- yogaX. What a killer! And I like yoga!LOL At the beginning my shoulders were really tight from yesterday but felt much looser by the end.

    And the part that makes me laugh-- "You can do a push-up if you'd like!" rotflmao:laugh: Maybe next month, Tony!

    But the stretching at the end did feel good! If only I had time to take a nap now that I', all relaxed!!:laugh:

    Legs and back, ARX tomorrow!!! Bring it on!!!
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    hey coach tony!!! week 4 day 5 done! cant wait to start week 5, i miss the weights, pullups, pushups, all the fun stuff!! :bigsmile:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY ELEVEN - Yoga X

    I got a little spirited this evening and prefaced Yoga X with the Fat Burning Express workout from the Power90 series. I wanted to get a good, thorough warmup before trying to get into the poses. Unfortunately, I think my performance in yoga may have suffered some as a result. By the time we reached the balance postures, I could really feel that my quads were straining from being used in the FBE workout, and by the seated core work toward the end, I was really straining to keep my legs elevated. I really had to focus to maintain overall balance, and I didn't feel as strong in poses where a single leg supports the weight of the entire body. So, I'll have to re-think that approach, at least in the short term.

    The toughies that I recall were Royal Dancer (my quads were starting to approach failure at that point) and the sideways pose from crescent where Tony has you reach under your thigh and try to grasp your other hand which is across your back. I don't know what to attribute it to yet, but I can't seem to reach the opposing hand although today, I did at least manage a fingertip, so that's progress. So much of this workout is mental, focus and concentration. I felt in the zone, but toward the end, my body started giving me signs that it was spent.

    I did work with my environment to make it a bit more conducive to peaceful concentration and relaxation, which helped a lot. I killed the DVD music track and put on one of my own spa relaxation CD's. I also turned out the overhead lighting in the room and instead used only a single candle and the light from the TV. As hard as I worked tonight, I did really feel good once I was through. This will definitely be a workout that will test me for a long time to come.

    Legs & Back and ARX tomorrow... Back to the heavy lifting. Bring it on man...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    BR... Abs has always been my Achilles heel. I'm really looks to this program to help me get my core strength in the right place. Plyo on the other hand is definitely tough, but I do enjoy it.

    Resa... Yoga and S&A in the same night..?? Get on down with your bad self lady...!

    April... Funny you mention those push-ups. I kinda made a mental note to do one tonight every place he says they're optional, so I did more push-ups in a workout than Tony did... lol.

    Tracy... I hear you. It's gonna be interesting to go through that first "recovery" week with no heavy lifting. I almost won't know what to do with myself. Glad to know you head's in the game to get back to resistance... Sometimes, you gotta love it in spite of the punishment to keep pressing on.

    Off to bed folks... See yas tomorrow... Namaste...
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    slow start today 100 situps 50 pushups 20 hanging knee lifts :mad: woke up late this morning hope to get it done this evening
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Don't lose heart, Eriny... You're still dloing awesome, and at least you still worked out!!! Everyone has their off days, and maybe you can do some more later on today?
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    the way the days going looks like ill be working on :drinker: :drinker: and more :drinker: