Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY NINE - Plyometrics

    Just like yesterday, now that I've gotten the feel of this workout, I really hustled through THE MUTHA today. I really paid attention to my form and to tried to get more out of the movements than I did last week. I think because of how tired I was getting last week that the Circle Run gave me trouble, but I handled it better today. I have, however, given a name to my Plyo pain, and it is Jump Knee Tuck... Grrrr...

    The good thing (apart from the calories burnt - 993!) was the workout put me in a great mood for the rest of the day. Amazing what strenuous exercise can do for a person. So, I'm making progress, feeling great; it's all good. Things are moving right along. Shoulders & Back and ARX tomorrow morning. Bring it on Tony... Bring it on.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Gotta post quick... Major thunderstorm is passing through...

    Resa... Glad to see you're back. Wow, how about dealing with an erupting volcano to mess up your day, huh..? Be safe up there...

    Tracy... Hey girl! Had an outstanding day today. Worked my rear off in Plyo this morning, and it put me in a great mood for the rest of the day. How long have you been a TKD student? I've been a martial artist for a number of years. Started studying Ryukyu Kemp, Kyusho, and Modern Arnis about six months ago... Great stuff!

    Jeena... Kenpo X is good stuff and definitely great for managing frustration, particularly the kind that comes from difficult co-workers... lol. I'm already seeing a different in my body, particularly the chest and arms. Gotta love it!

    April... Way to go! I really enjoyed dialing things up a notch this morning, too in Plyo... Now that I'm familiar with the moves, I tried to leave as much on the mat as I could, and I was WHUPPED!

    Eriny... You are a MACHINE bro! Great stuff you're doing. I'd imagine a workout at your place would be a helluva time, my friend.

    Take care everyone... Bad weather here, so we're gonna button up and keep our heads down. Talk to you tomorrow folks...
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    P90X DAY NINE - Plyometrics

    I have, however, given a name to my Plyo pain, and it is Jump Knee Tuck... Grrrr...

    And rock star jumps, too:noway:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    P90X DAY NINE - Plyometrics

    I have, however, given a name to my Plyo pain, and it is Jump Knee Tuck... Grrrr...

    And rock star jumps, too:noway:

    Both of these make me feel like the village idiot...:ohwell:
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    hey tony ive been doing tkd for only 6 months, i go april3 for testing on orange belt sr, i did however compete in my first tournament 2 weeks ago and won first place in womens color belt sparring i was so excited! i will be going to more tournaments! Hope you have a great day!
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    good morning all
    100 situps (75 normal)(25 incline) , 100 pushups (25 normal)(25 wide)(25 waist)(25 incline) ,20 sec leglifts with 10lb ball 4 sets , (set of 4 ) 10 hanging knee lifts with 10lb ball and worked arms and legs :glasses:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    hey tony ive been doing tkd for only 6 months, i go april3 for testing on orange belt sr, i did however compete in my first tournament 2 weeks ago and won first place in womens color belt sparring i was so excited! i will be going to more tournaments! Hope you have a great day!
    Tracy... Wonderful! I'm so happy you're enjoying your MA training and doing well in tournaments. Almost to orange belt, eh? Moving right along. We had a seminar in town here recently with two masters (Jack Hogan, 9th Ryukyu Kempo and Bruce Chiu, 7th Modern Arnis) which was great. No competition, just a day of leaning and practicing, and there's volumes to learn from these guys. I did test in Arnis and am now 9th level (working my way down to 1st and then to black). I already hold a 1st degree black belt in PaSaRyu karate (has elements of TKD in it, but I have no interest in kicking someone in the head - that's useless on the street), but I'm basically moving on from that and focusing on Kempo and Arnis. I was never one for competition for its own sake in my MA studies, and these two styles are both very practical and very... well, let's say, "effective" in the practical sense... lol.

    Anyways, keep at it... Focus on the moment during training, and focus on the long-term outside the dojo, and you'll be successful.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    And rock star jumps, too:noway:
    April... Ah, yes... Rock Star Jumps... Owwwie...!! :bigsmile:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    good morning all
    100 situps (75 normal)(25 incline) , 100 pushups (25 normal)(25 wide)(25 waist)(25 incline) ,20 sec leglifts with 10lb ball 4 sets , (set of 4 ) 10 hanging knee lifts with 10lb ball and worked arms and legs :glasses:
    Eriny.... Now enlighten me bro. What is a "waist" push-up..?
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    dont really know a name for it but lay on floor face down put hands on side of waist then pick self up (pushup)
  • clk238
    clk238 Posts: 48 Member
    ok- i have a question about P90x. I am currently doing some running and lifting, mixed with spin and aerobics classes. i'm going to be taking a long (8 wks) business trip in a month and am worried about finding a gym and classes, which really help me stay motivated. I'm considering buyting something (video) to take with me, that I can do in my hotel room or hotel gym. I'm not sure if the dvdd would work on the tv (international) so I'd be working off a laptop to play the videos. Would this work?
    a. how much room do you need to do the exercises
    b. assuming it's like a regular workout tape, you follow along with? would it be too hard to work off of a small computer screen?
    c. any equipment required?

    any suggestions on good workout videos would be good.
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    ok- i have a question about P90x. I am currently doing some running and lifting, mixed with spin and aerobics classes. i'm going to be taking a long (8 wks) business trip in a month and am worried about finding a gym and classes, which really help me stay motivated. I'm considering buyting something (video) to take with me, that I can do in my hotel room or hotel gym. I'm not sure if the dvdd would work on the tv (international) so I'd be working off a laptop to play the videos. Would this work?
    a. how much room do you need to do the exercises
    b. assuming it's like a regular workout tape, you follow along with? would it be too hard to work off of a small computer screen?
    c. any equipment required?

    any suggestions on good workout videos would be good.
    CLK... First of all, welcome, and thanks for stopping in.

    As to your questions, I'm gonna try to answer with some bullet points to keep my thoughts organized. I'm also going to assume we're talking only about P90X and not about any other Beachbody workout programs (though some comments may also apply).

    > Any of Beachbody's workout programs, including P90X, are perfect for the traveling person. If you've got a laptop and a little floor space in your hotel room, you've got a gym. I always take my workout DVD's wth me when I travel for the same reasons you mention. That way, I know I can stay current on whatever program I'm tackling at the moment.

    > Room for exercises... It depends on what you're doing on a given day. P90X has 12 individual workout DVD's; some are resistance, others are cardio, and still others are stretch / yoga. The only ones that you're really going to need some real estate on would be the cardio-based workouts, Plyometrics in particular, and even then, considering the average hotel room, you can probably modify the moves enough to get in the full workout. I wouldn't imagine it would be an issue unless your room happens to be the size of a broom closet (some in New York are definitely in this category).

    > Following along on a small laptop screen... No worries here at all. All the workouts are presented so that you just follow along with the on-screen action, and there are prompts from the trainer as well as graphics on the image that show you time remaining, current exercise, etc. You'll also see folks demonstrating alternate movements for using resistance bands and for low-impact variants of some of the high-impact cardio moves.

    > Equipment needed... For the P90X program as a whole, you're going to need external resistance (handweights or resistance bands), a mat for floor work (negotiable though I recommend one, especially with thin hotel carpeting), and a place to do pull-up & chin-up exercises (can be replicated with resistance bands if you can mount them above your head to do pull-down-type exercises). Also, they strongly suggest getting a heart rate monitor for your cardio-based workouts to keep your heart rate elevated in the "fat-burning zone." For me, I have always used resistance bands (with great results), and those are perfect for traveling. Pitch them in your suitcase, and you're set. The only issue comes when you want to do a workout that includes the pull-up / chin-up exercises. It's tough to put a pull-up bar in a suitcase... lol. I believe Beachbody sells a door-type attachment that will let you anchor a resistance band so you can do pull-down movements.

    Hope that answers your questions. As to P90X, it's a tough program and will demand a lot of you. Since you're already in decent shape I assume, given what you're doing, you should be ok to give it a shot. It's meant to be used as a 90-day program, but I imagine you could use the workouts individually as desired just to keep yourself in shape. Just don't expect these workouts to be easy, and be ready to WORK when you do them... lol.

    Any other questions, give me a shout here, by email at coachtr@live.com, or you can check my website below to get additional information on the program. If you order it through my site, I'll get assigned as your personal coach, and I'd be pleased to work with you! Best of luck to you, and safe travels. If you start P90X in earnest, stop in here and let us know how you're doing. We've got a great group here.
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    tony im already orange belt next is orange sr
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    tony im already orange belt next is orange sr
    Gotcha. You'll find that different TKD dojos will have slight variations in the ways they assign their kup ranks and sometimes their colors (in terms of order of progression).

    You'll definitely have to keep me posted on how you're coming along with that, and I'll be interested to know what new things you're learning or mastering. Go get 'em...!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    April... Did you get the email I sent you Tuesday..?
  • clk238
    clk238 Posts: 48 Member
    that was awesome tony- just what i needed to hear- I think i will definitely try to P90x. I think the only real concern is the pull-up bar situation but I might just buy the program and try to tackle it when I get there and see what the situation is.

    few more questions:

    does resistance band really give you as good a workout as free weights?

    how much time per day do you need to put in- and all at once, or boken up during the day?
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    April... Did you get the email I sent you Tuesday..?

    Tony, got your friend request! Thank you!:blushing: Did you pm me otherwise? I thought I responded to you but might have mesed up.:grumble:

    Plan to tackle shoulders and arms plus ARX tonight. This am I worked out with my trainer for 30 minutes and ran 2 miles. I'll keep y'all posted!!:smile:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Tony, got your friend request! Thank you!:blushing: Did you pm me otherwise? I thought I responded to you but might have mesed up.:grumble:

    Plan to tackle shoulders and arms plus ARX tonight. This am I worked out with my trainer for 30 minutes and ran 2 miles. I'll keep y'all posted!!:smile:
    No problem... I'll re-send it to you.

    2-mile run plus S&A and ARX..??? Get down with your bad fitness self woman...! :wink:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    anyone have pictures of any results they can post
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    hey everybody! week 4 day 4 done!! woohoooooooo!! didnt get to run today :sad: rain rain rain!! everyone doing great keep up the good work!!