Time to Tackle P90X - and You Can, Too..! Starting Monday 3/



  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Your results speak for themselves!!! Keep it up!! BTW, I just have to say- great pecs!!!:flowerforyou: :blushing:
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    :blushing: thank you
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey everyone-I'm not hiding or anything... My daughter had a severe allergic reaction to an antibiotic, so I've been between doctor's visits and the E.R. I think I'm going to have to repeat my week of P90X, because I haven't been able to work out at all. Great job to everyone else for sticking to it, and Eriny, you're doing awesome...
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    :blushing: thank ypu and way to go everybody
    hope your daughter gets well soon
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FOUR - Yoga X

    I already knew Tony Horton's brand of yoga was challenging from the Power90 series of workouts, but that was a cake walk compared to the 90 MINUTE marathon of Yoga X. Good lord. I do believe I have learned the secret to it, and it is to breathe and relax as much as possible, very much in the vein of the martial arts training that I've done for so many years.

    As I expected, this first touch on Yoga X had its fair share of bobbles, mild frustration, and awkward moments, but I feel certain that as I visit this workout regularly, things will improve. Some of the poses I was sure there would be no way I could get into, but with calming breathing and mushin (Japanese for "no mind", or doing without conscious thought), I managed more than I thought I would.

    This will definitely be one of my favorite workouts and simultaneously one of my more challenging. Can't wait do to it again.
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    :mad: yoga no go here no p90x :sad:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Hey everyone-I'm not hiding or anything... My daughter had a severe allergic reaction to an antibiotic, so I've been between doctor's visits and the E.R. I think I'm going to have to repeat my week of P90X, because I haven't been able to work out at all. Great job to everyone else for sticking to it, and Eriny, you're doing awesome...
    Resa... Wow, I sure hope things are ok with your little girl. That is some scary stuff. My 6-year-old girl gave me a scare a few days ago. She was playing with some coins innocently enough. Then she comes running as me through the kitchen gagging because she had gotten a quarter stuck in her throat - despite having been told a thousand times not to put them in her mouth, of course. So, my better half whipped a quick ab thrust on her and popped the quarter out. That scared the fire outta me...
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    :mad: yoga no go here no p90x :sad:

    Oh Erin, we're gonna have to get you to spring for the program bro... Besides, you're an animal and you'd love it!

    The Yoga X was a killer workout. 90 minutes, and my whole body feels refreshed and whipped at the same time... Go figure!
  • eriny
    eriny Posts: 1,509 Member
    good morning 100 situps 100pushups 40 leglifts and curl with 10 lbs ball not touching ground :glasses: and only 20 leglifts on bench with 10lbs ball :mad: i dont know about everybody here but i take off weekends to drink and eat :drinker:
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Hey everyone-I'm not hiding or anything... My daughter had a severe allergic reaction to an antibiotic, so I've been between doctor's visits and the E.R. I think I'm going to have to repeat my week of P90X, because I haven't been able to work out at all. Great job to everyone else for sticking to it, and Eriny, you're doing awesome...
    Resa... Wow, I sure hope things are ok with your little girl. That is some scary stuff. My 6-year-old girl gave me a scare a few days ago. She was playing with some coins innocently enough. Then she comes running as me through the kitchen gagging because she had gotten a quarter stuck in her throat - despite having been told a thousand times not to put them in her mouth, of course. So, my better half whipped a quick ab thrust on her and popped the quarter out. That scared the fire outta me...

    Isn't it crazy how quickly your world can get turned upside-down?!! Having kids makes EVERYTHING look dangerous... You become paranoid about everything under the sun; even normal-looking people become suspicious when they comment on how cute your kids are... You start to think, "What are ya, some kind of pervert?!" when you know in your head that they meant it in a completely innocent way...

    Shay is doing much better now, and the majority of the scare is over with. I think I'll be starting my week over on Monday... I know I need to get back to it!!!:sad:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Isn't it crazy how quickly your world can get turned upside-down?!! Having kids makes EVERYTHING look dangerous... You become paranoid about everything under the sun; even normal-looking people become suspicious when they comment on how cute your kids are... You start to think, "What are ya, some kind of pervert?!" when you know in your head that they meant it in a completely innocent way...

    Shay is doing much better now, and the majority of the scare is over with. I think I'll be starting my week over on Monday... I know I need to get back to it!!!:sad:
    I know how you feel. The way I look at it, you just never know what can happen these days and who the crazy people are. All it takes is a momentary lapse of parental vigilance, especially when they're young, and poof, your kid goes missing and becomes a statistic. I just can't abide that. If someone's gonna try to take my kids, they're gonna have to go through me to get them, that's all I know. Lord help them if they try.
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    We have 4 people in our family that are in law-enforcement fields, including my sister, who is a military police officer and is also a weapons instructor for the Air Force... My daughter's are both going to have a very difficult time during highschool when they are old enough to date... We won't have just one person cleaning a gun while their beau comes to pick them up for the movies-we'll have the whole posse over!:bigsmile:
  • nbyrd
    nbyrd Posts: 9
    Tonyrr1... I just can't get on the train... I really don't like the Yoga... and I'll admit it...I don't like it b/c I AM TERRIBLE at it. Eriny - seriously... its the hardest thing I've ever done... and not in a good way.

    I fell, yes fell, at least 5 times. I only made it through 40 minutes or so before I gave. I'll try it every week as scheduled... but don't see it being my favorite. I don't want to be the stereotypical guy talking bad about yoga... but so far... I'm not feeling it :-)
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Just finished Day 4- Legs and Back plus ARX!! Awesome!!! I can already see some changes in my body! I know this is the thing I've needed to reach my goals!!

    Kenpo tomorrow!!
  • MissResa
    MissResa Posts: 1,147 Member
    Tonyrr1... I just can't get on the train... I really don't like the Yoga... and I'll admit it...I don't like it b/c I AM TERRIBLE at it. Eriny - seriously... its the hardest thing I've ever done... and not in a good way.

    I fell, yes fell, at least 5 times. I only made it through 40 minutes or so before I gave. I'll try it every week as scheduled... but don't see it being my favorite. I don't want to be the stereotypical guy talking bad about yoga... but so far... I'm not feeling it :-)

    I have to be honest and admit... I HATED YogaX the first time I did it. And although I'll never say it's my favorite now, I will tell you that I can tell a BIG difference in my flexibility now that I've stuck with it. I still can't do all the poses... And the whole grab your wrist from behind your back with one hand between your legs? AS IF!!!!! I feel like a dumb dog chasing around their tail-and am pretty sure my Lab is thinking "What an idiot!!!" whenever I try to do it...

    Yoga X is by far my most difficult workout... But if you keep on sticking with it, you will reap benefits from it...:drinker:
  • tracy24
    tracy24 Posts: 188
    hello everybody hope its ok if i join in!!!! week3 day6 kenpo done!!!!!! recovery week coming up !!! :smile:
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    nbyrd... Brother, let me tell you, I hear you with the yoga. It is the most challenging workout I've done in P90X so far. There were some poses that were very difficult (and one I just could not do) for me personally, and I've been a practicing martial artist for over 10 years if that tells you anything. The thing is man, you can't let it conquer you, and more importantly, you have to focus on what you're getting from that workout. For me, yoga is much more a mental exercise than a physical one, even when I was going through Power90 and it was just five minutes of it every other day. When I reach back into Warrior 3, and my side hurts, and my quads are on fire, I am tempted to just drop out of it, but I can't let myself do that. It was a tough 90 minutes no doubt, but I focus on the good - the mental focus and mental toughness, the increases in flexibility and muscular endurance, the way you can really feel your whole body as you move through the poses. Also, really try to concentrate on your breathing and on clearing your mind of stresses, worries, questions - just let it go. This is something that I'm used to as a martial artist, but for folks without that or a similar background, I think that concept sounds really "esoteric" or "Asian" or "foreign", but trust me, practice that, and it will help you perform better in yoga. When I was done with that workout, I felt whipped and serene at the same time, very weird. Don't let Yoga X be a reason you don't do P90X bro, and for sure, don't let it conquer you. Give yourself the time and space to bring it. If you can only hang half way through for a while, and that's your best, accept that, make a note, and reach farther the next time. You can do it.

    April... You go girl! Yeah, Legs & Back was a toughie for sure. I'll have my after-action post up here shortly.

    Resa... That's the way to do it. Let those young, feisty boys (of whom I once was a member) know there will be consequences for disrespecting your girl or your rules. Believe me, when my girls start dating, the young men will have no doubts where I stand on those matters. I'll probably throw in a demonstration of some finger or joint locks (with the associated pain) just so they know I'm not fooling around. You wouldn't know it, but I'm actually a pretty pleasant guy. :bigsmile:

    Tracy... Absolutely, hang out with us. Always happy to have a fellow P90X'er on board. You've gotta be looking forward to that recovery week lady. The only recovery I'm looking forward to right now is a recovery drink after my workouts... lol. What are your fitness goals, and how is P90X treating you so far?
  • aprilvet
    aprilvet Posts: 724 Member
    Day 6- kenpo! Loved it! Felt very uncoordinated with some of the combo moves- kinda like my 1st aerobics class way back when...LOL:laugh: Really looking forward to rest/stretch tomorrow!!!

    Tony, are you using the P90X recovery drink? Right now I drink an EAS Carb AdvantEdge drink after the hard workouts.

    Looking forward to week 2!!
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    P90X DAY FIVE - Legs & Back

    Ok, I've just determined that this first week of P90X is my personal hell week. I knew this was going to be a challenging program, but I didn't appreciate just HOW challenging. It makes sense why the program's motto is "Bring It!", and I believe it applies mostly mentally. If you don't bring the right attitude to these workouts, even when they're putting a hurt on you, the program could really beat you down.

    Today was tough. I am pleased to say though that I did more pull-up exercises than I originally thought I would be able to, so I give that credit to Power90 for getting me ready. The wide-grip pull-ups are the killers; it feels like that exercise really isolates the upper back, and that is definitely a weak spot for me, at least for now. By the time I come out of the other end of this meat grinder, my back should be in seriously good shape.

    Kenpo X is tomorrow... and that's right up my alley. You're gonna have to bring it Tony Horton... :)
  • trenauldo
    trenauldo Posts: 235
    Tony, are you using the P90X recovery drink? Right now I drink an EAS Carb AdvantEdge drink after the hard workouts.
    April... I had been in the habit of using whey protein powder as my after-workout nutrition, but since I was trying P90X, I figured I'd give the recovery drink a try (I have my protein shake later in the day now). Here's my impression of it, particularly now that I've got a week of P90X under the belt:

    1. It does actually taste really good (to me), kinda like an Orange Julius is you're familiar with those.

    2. It also seems to deliver a really good burst of pick-me-up, particularly after some of the tougher workouts I've done this week.

    3. The drink has 0.5g of creatine per serving, a bit less than a typical maintenance dose. I had been considering whether or not to include a creatine supplement in my nutrition plan (I have a good friend and business partner that uses it regularly and swears by it), but now that I've been using the recovery drink, I seem to feel like I can push myself a little more than I thought myself capable of. I'm not certain if I can attribute that to the drink yet, but I'm gonna go through at least the first round of the program using it.

    If I had to make a recommendation, with current experience, I'd say it can be useful. Of course, I haven't used a product that competes with it directly, so I don't have that basis to inform my opinion. If you decide you want to give it a try, you can go to my website below, click on "Shop Products" and you'll be right there. If you do go with it, I'll be very interested to hear what your expereince is. I figure if you use it for a month, you'll know whether it has benefit for you or not.